Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tom Et Lola Screenshot

light for revelation to the people ..

"Light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel .."
So the old man Simeon prophesied concerning the child who held in his arms, that child so special as the Son of God Almighty.
Following, as has become usual in my blog, the homily of Father Herman Ronchi on the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple .. a homily full of ideas you can ponder and treasure in our hearts.

brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. Simeon's arms raise up the son of God and the firstborn of the world. They offered the lamb from God the gift will settle the old divisions between creature and Creator, who says, "receive me, give me, giving me I get up again" (Rig Veda).
Simeon knew that would not die without first having seen the Messiah. These words are written for me, preserved in the Bible by the Spirit that I bring them to the heart. I will not die until you have seen the Lord. The spirit that sparked this desire, sow fresh eyes that are able to see the light of rising, life consoled. And the light will also come to the end, like Simeon who no longer has a future, when it seems that time has expired, worn without bringing anything.
I will not die without having seen the offensive to God, salvation that germinates, angels without wings who proclaim the wonder of God I see him, if I like Mary and Joseph as they observe the law of the Lord, and are open to the prophecy ; behave according to the rules and accept the unexpected, secure in the ritual and amazed by the prophet. God always manifests itself in two ways, always alternating light and shadow, announcements and questions, miracle and every day, of joy and prophecy of the sword. The Gospel shows two elderly people who can wait. Directed to God as sunflowers to light, they see what others see: started an offensive of God, will involve the world. Simeon says: my eyes have seen the salvation of all. But what he saw salvation in reality? There is only one child, who does not speak the Word again and it is not pronounced (T. Eliot). Light prepared for all, he has seen. But that gives off light this little child of the earth, even if it has eyes to heaven? He took the essential salvation is a person, light incarnate of God, his gospel, his kingdom, while bright and secret. Born since I born.
is the consolation of Israel: Gesù è il conforto che Dio offre a Israele, fine della notte e dell'assenza; ma Gesù è anche la consolazione che Israele dona a Dio, perché finalmente lo accoglie e lo stringe in un abbraccio. In quel Bambino che passa amorosamente di braccio in braccio, Israele consola il suo Signore, conforta la sua lunga attesa, salva il senso di un Dio da sempre in cerca dell'uomo.
La salvezza per me è diventare Simeone, come lui prendere Gesù fra le mie braccia, tenerlo come cosa cara, vedere in lui ciò che altri non vedono, luce che si travasa di mano in mano. Allora anch'io potrò consolare il mio Signore e la mia porzione di mondo, anch'io non morirò senza aver prima goduto la luce del suo volto.


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