Mercoledì 23 febbraio scorso abbiamo incontrato, al Galla Caffè di Vicenza (unica data in Veneto) la mitica Amélie Nothomb . Scrittrice di origine belga, born in Kobe, Japan August 13, 1967 and lives in Paris.
was presented his latest work "a form of life" , but nineteenth published novel, written 64.
Amélie, women are truly available, looks like a rock star: flashy and be aware of his "character." The place was stipatissimo of fans who are proud to be part of the niche players which she directed, have played for over an hour and autograph are made over a hundred of his writings (I personally I took a sports bag full of French and Italian editions!).
public Albin Michel in France and in Italy for the superlative publisher VOLAND (nome preso da uno dei personaggi del diavolo in "Il Maestro e Margherita") fondata e diretta da Daniela Di Sora, che ha la capacità di stanare autori di narrativa davvero fuori dal comune, come il nuovo "Incidenze" di Philippe Djian (del quale consiglio la lettura e che presto sarà al Galla Caffè).
Bè, lasciatemi cambiare persona e andare direttamente all'io narrante: intervistarla è stato per me la coronazione di un sogno! È esattamente com'è nei suoi scritti: sagace, ironica, sarcastica e diretta. Le ho regalato una bottiglia di Dom Perignon Vintage del 2000, che ha bevuto (tutto) durante l'intervista.... soddisfazione massima! Scelta non casuale, se avete letto "Causa di forza more "you can understand. Among the questions that I have put up that there was a port number of shoes (in riferimnto his obsession with obesity, I thought the # of feet never change), answer: 40 . Now you also know this about her, besides the fact that he writes every day from 4 pm to 8 am, in his words: the simplicity of a rule is not to have exceptions , and also writes on January 1st, the day of his birthday and when it is bad, really: every day of the year! Enthusiast Italian cuisine has been with us for dinner until 22:30.
What to add: read Amélie Nothomb, perhaps starting from "Assassin's Hygiene," and if you do not like ... well, ask yourself why! For many, but ... not for everyone!
Ad majora.
Marianna B.
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