Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Angel Blade Punish Watch

The box of clippings # 2

Hello friends! Are you ready? Take your box of clippings because you start! Choose the fantasies that you like. We also present an embellishment to use for our work.

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Our punchatore multipurpose round is usually sharp?! begin to cut two circles of two different patterned. (For a single flower).

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This time we insert a bit of cloth! This must be una specie di rasetto…sintetico ma non troppo. Le fibre sintetiche a contatto con il calore si stringono, facendo arricciare la stoffa. Prendiamo una candela e “bruciacchiamo” i bordi dei cerchi di stoffa. (per un fiorellino basterà un cerchio solo)

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Tagliamo anche dei tondini più piccini, le mie “dosi” sono per quattro fiori. Ok, ricapitoliamo, a questo punto noi abbiamo: DOSI PER 4 FIORELLINI: – 4 tondi gialli; – 4 tondi verdi glitterati; – 4 rounds of cloth with the edges burnt, - all 4 smaller colored rods.

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Take the yellow circles and turn them into corolla, making cuts in the long triangle the board. With a wooden stick (the handle is fine crochet) round off the "petals" to the inside.

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Easy, at this point we just have to create our flower. The layers are as follows: - round cloth / round glittery green (lawn) - round corolla (yellow) and rod all Colored (pollen):)

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Under the smaller rod we shimmed the adhesive, so as to give maximum depth.

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At what point are you? They assembled for good? Do you like your final result? We bend a little bit more petals et. ... Voila!

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Here's what came out today from my box of scraps! ! Show me (link in the comments on this post) cosa avete creato con questa ispirazione….sono trooooopppooooo curiosa!!!

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Io li ho utilizzati su questo LO che trovate QUI nel mio blog .

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Il prossimo appuntamento con lo scatolone dei WEDNESDAY cuttings is' April 6! Do not miss it! :) Baciiiiii

PS If you have not yet participated in my blog candy , click here to win participate. If you can not use it personally you can participate equally to give it to some friends! I just need a mail! :) You have until February 28!



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