Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fredericton House Auctions

2011: HAPPY WEEK - Week 6. BIRD

Signore e signori, buon pomeriggio!
Mi rendo conto che per me postare il sabato significa essere perennemente in ritardo... vi chiedo scusa e prometto che programmerò i post in modo da farli uscire in the morning;)
First I want to thank the handful of brave is following me in this adventure: it's beautiful to see and click on the links appear to your creations! :) Makes me really happy, and next week I will write in my AJ: D
If someone starts to become paranoid because it is 'late', I urge you not to look back and pick up where it left off. Maybe it's enough to write down the happy moments ... the 'decoration' is then, if you wish. But do not miss the great small joys of each day! :)
(You expect me intrippa lot, this AJ?;))

Ok, then: for the week which runs from February 27 to March 5, the element to be introduced (FACILISSSSSSSSSSIMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) and birds! I put it in the singular, never to feel obliged to fill the page, but obviously can be more than one.

Below is waiting to see your pages last week, with those scissors.
A big hug, next Saturday!


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