Thursday, February 10, 2011

Omc 115 Turbojet No Power

Bernadette said ...

From the 'Letter to P. Gondrand »St Mary Bernadette Soubirous, a virgin. 1861
One day, on the banks of the river Gave recatami to collect firewood along with two girls, I heard a noise. I turned towards the field but I saw that the trees were not moving at all, so I raised my head and looked at the cave. I saw a lady clad in white robes. He wore a white dress and was surrounded by a blue band. On each foot had a golden rose, which was the same color of the rosary. At this sight, I rubbed my eyes, believing in a delusion. I put my hands in his lap, where I found my rosary. I wanted to also make the sign of the cross on the forehead, but I could not raise my hand, I fell. Having that Lady made the sign of the cross, too, though with a trembling hand, I tried and finally I succeeded. At the same time I began to pray the rosary, and also the same lady was sliding the beads of her rosary without moving his lips. After the rosary to the vision now scomparve.Domandai two girls if they saw something, but they said no, in fact I questioned what I had to reveal them. Then said he saw a lady in white, but I did not know who he was. The felt, however, not to mention it. Then also urged me not to come back to that place, but I refused.
We therefore returned on Sunday, hearing to be called internally.
That Lady I spoke only the third time and asked me if I wanted to go to her for a fortnight. I answered yes. She added that I had to call the priests because they did build a chapel there, and then commanded me to drink from the fountain. Since I did not see any, I went to the river Gave, but she waved me who did not speak of the river and showed me her finger a fountain. Recatami there, I found if not a little muddy water. I pulled my hand, but I could not take anything, so I started digging and I could finally get some water, I threw away the three times, but the fourth I could drink it. The vision then vanished, and I went back home.
For fifteen days, however, went back there and the Lord appeared to me every day, except on a Monday and a Friday, telling me again to tell the priests that they did build a chapel there to go to the fountain to wash and pray for the conversion of sinners . I asked repeatedly who he was, but she smiled sweetly. In the end, having raised arms and raising his eyes told me to be the Immaculate Conception.


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