readers, writers and supporters, many good news in this February sun. Let's start with the literary critic Piero Dorfles , which will be in Vicenza on February 10 to present his new book "The Return of the dinosaur ", namely the Galla Coffee at 18:30. But the real gem is that it will be our guest at dinner the night before. Time: Dorfles only Spritz Literature. Ok, sometimes Santa also arrives after the Epiphany! And do not say that I do nothing for us.
Dorfles, in his book, tells a great truth: ... Culture can be an 'antidote involution in progress.
In our small is that we try to do: vaccines against ignorance! But we do not stop here, we try to convey all the passion and enthusiasm for the written word, as a witness to an intellectual and intellectual capacity that naturally belongs to man. The culture sets us free, yeah, free to choose.
Then the big news on the author's niche: Amélie Nothomb .
Galla Coffee will be at the February 23 at 18:30 for "A form di vita " Ed. Voland, suo nuovo lavoro incentrato sull'obesità dei soldati americani di ritorno dall'Iraq. Saprà stupirci nuovamente con il suo sarcasmo! Lo Spritz Letterario c'entra a pieno titolo, visto che chi intervisterà l'autrice belga è il suo Presidente (non voglia suonare spocchioso, ma gratificante).
Insomma: un febbraio degno di nota!
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