Friday, February 25, 2011

Pse Nova 1/2010 Model

Santa Eutropia from Lentini

Continue my "journey" to let you know the saints of my beloved land. Tomorrow, 26 February, the Church of Lentini recalls another witness of faith: Holy Eutropia . But we know more about this saint. The news we know about you, are, like all the saints lentinesi, contained in the Acts of Saints Alfio Filadelfo and Cirino . Eutropia was a noble matron, a widow, who lived with her two sons and Servilia Eutalia in Lentini. Witness the miraculous healings of Tecla and Giustina, through the intercession of the Three Saints Alfio, Cirino and Filadelfo, one day he went to the tomb of the saints, implore healing. Eutropia fact, was plagued by loss of blood, as the hemorrhage of the Gospel. On her knees in tears at the tomb of the three martyrs, rising to God to ask for healing. Here is addormetò, tired of fervent prayer and had a heavenly vision in a dream. He saw the three Saints Alfio, Cirino and Philadelphus, in all their glory, full of divine light that the announced full recovery from the disease, but also the martyrdom of Eutalia daughter, who "had to stand next to their bones." Awakened from sleep, it was discovered Eutropia miraculously healed, and also told the dream to her daughter who, meanwhile, was consecrated to the Lord. The vision was fulfilled for the daughter Eutalia, who was beheaded for his faith in Christ, by his brother Servilia, August 27 in 257 AD After the death of her daughter, Eutropia, joined in Santa Tecla and Santa Giustina and strove also to the birth of the Church in Lentini, becoming a of the cornerstones of the emerging new community, after the persecution against Christians.


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