Thursday, February 24, 2011

Denise Milani Car Wash

The differences between the mobile and the Holy Rosary .. :-)

The phone allows communication only if there is no field;
the Rosary puts us in touch with the High and with each other.

Col phone can happen that the other is not currently "unreachable" or is busy, with
Rosario gets straight to the heart of Jesus and the Mother.

With the cell phone may be that the other is not able to hear and does not respond, the Rosary
the hearing is granted immediately and there is no call to be rejected.

With mobile you can run into a cold answering machine, which records and does not answer;
the Rosary will always find a warm heart that welcomes you and a friendly voice that speaks to you. With mobile

cross frontiers of the world;
penetrate the Rosary in Heaven.

The phone can also send messages that upset or hurt, threaten or seduce;
the Rosary shall only words of love and blessing of praise and supplication

The phone costs a lot of money;
il Rosario chiede solo un poco di amore.

Sei tu che "ricarichi" il telefonino consumando denaro;
il Rosario invece "ricarica" te gratis.

Troppi stanno col telefonino incollato all'orecchio;
chi ama è felice di far scorrere fra le dita i grani del Rosario, quasi intessendo con Maria una corona di rose per Gesù.


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