Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ankle Ligament Surgery

Santa Giustina from Lentini

cousin and maid of Santa Tecla, Giustina the young do not know much, if not episodes interwoven with the lives of Saints Alfio Filadelfo and Cirino and Tecla precisely. Much loved and appreciated for its simplicity, Justine was a child was blind in one eye. One night, while his cousin Tecla led care and comfort to the three saints in the prison closed, bandage the wounds of Sant'Alfio miraculously regains his sight. For gratitude to God and his saints, miracle after that he began his work of charity to the poor and needy of the city along with Tecla. During the burial of three saints, Giustina was present, as this was at the helm of the nascent Church of Lentini, after the persecution against Christians. A presence, therefore, silent but active, humble and industrious, and if on the one hand, his figure is almost overshadowed by the holiness of her cousin Tecla, Justine is still a popular saint in Lentini, who also named a street the city. He died Jan. 10 of the holy 262 AD In the paintings of the vault of the Cathedral Church of Lentini you can always admire Giustina alongside Tecla, just as valuable in the closet of the sacristy, where the two saints are depicted life-size. A small tribute to a saint who made his humility is a precious gift to God


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