Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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We have seen his star ...

the solemnity of ' Epiphany of Our Lord, I propose a brief but rich homily of Father Herman Ronchi, because we know that all comments on the readings of Sunday, during the broadcast " In His Image. "

try to find the man God

A Christmas is that God seeks man. Epiphany is the man who seeks God And it's all a sprout of signs: how to sign an angel, Mary, Joseph a dream, a Child in the manger, the shepherds, the Magi just a star, the Magi are enough of us. Even Herod has the sign: of travelers arriving from the East, the cradle of light, to find another king.

Because there is always a sign for everyone, even today. Often these are small signs, subdued, more often they are people that are epiphanies of goodness, the living embodiment of the Gospel, who have eyes and words like stars. Man is the star, "went the man and you will find God" (St. Augustine). Because God is the God of the books, but the meat that has come down.

How can we become readers of signs, and scribes under an empty sky?

The first step indicates the Isaiah: "Lift up your head and look." Life is bliss, going out by himself, looking up, out of the small perimeter of blood to the great tour of the stars, a thousand bars and behind which encloses the Narcissus is an illusion that is in me, towards the Other. Open the windows of the house to the great winds.

off on the road behind a star that walks. To find Christ must go, explore, set sail, travel with intelligence and heart. Search is already a bit 'to find, but finding Christ means to look again. "Going to start in the beginning, for new initiatives" (Gregory of Nyssa). However, going together, like the Magi: small community, loneliness already won, as their staring at the same time the depths of the sky and the eyes of the creatures.

Do not fear mistakes. It should be the infinite patience to start again, and again to question the Word and the star is not as a scribe, but as a child. Looks like a child? With a simple look and affectionate.

worship and giving. The most precious gift the Magi can offer is their own journey, almost two long years, the greatest gift is their long desire. God desires that we desire him.

"by another way they returned to their country." The road back home is new, the meeting now because you did again, "true seeker of God is only he who stumbles upon a star, trade incense and gold with a heart of a child laughing and trying new ways, you lose magic dust in the desert ... "(DMMontagna).


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