Here, it's time!
(it was time, you say ...)
It 's time to present the new AJ 2011 of the Owls :
(the title)
Ok, now I'll explain everything.
The idea that I had for j 2011, more or less, is also just come to someone else smarter than me and tip (found HERE , an idea is great! The fact I had I: D).
So I had to invent something else. I wanted something that was both a diary of the year (Type 1 LO month above) is a way to try to see and think positive. Does anyone know that I have this fixed;) and now a thousand years ago I made a kind of a day called Happy ATC card ... here, the idea is similar.

I propose to record, week after week, the good things that happen, important or simple, small joys and moments of profound happiness ...
The goal: to have at the end of a long collection of happy moments experienced throughout 2011 and faithfully reported in our journal.
Let me explain: to try to see the positive side of things, every day at least to find a source of happiness, once a week about six days precedenti per trovare le cose belle che ci sono successe. Una bella dormita? Una sciata con gli amici? Tante tazze di cioccolata? Si può scegliere di celebrare un solo momento, di elencarli fedelmente tutti, di fare una selezione dei momenti migliori… per poi ‘scrapparli’, decorarli, illustrarli nella paginetta del nostro art journal.
CHI PENSA DI NON FARCELA, perchè un impegno settimanale è troppo, può fare come credo farò io: una specie di 'registrazione' dei fatti con cadenza mensile, o come volete voi. Ricordate: MASSIMA LIBERTA' DI SCELTA! Sia nella periodizzazione, sia nel formato, come in tutto il resto.
CHI PENSA DI NON FARCELA, perchè un impegno settimanale è troppo, può fare come credo farò io: una specie di 'registrazione' dei fatti con cadenza mensile, o come volete voi. Ricordate: MASSIMA LIBERTA' DI SCELTA! Sia nella periodizzazione, sia nel formato, come in tutto il resto.
Ma non è finita qui... altrimenti vi direi: " Ready ... go! See you at the end of the year! "And I'd be there to do here perched on the dresser? : D Then every week I would like to propose an item for inclusion in your page may be linked or not to scrap it does not matter, it will be like a red thread that joins the pages of all participants.
Want an example? So let's start with the new AJ!
Let's start today, I can do to catch up, so who wants to can 'do' the first few weeks on any subject ;-)
1. SUN

On the first page you enter a sun. Designed, chipboard, cut, photographed, stamped, punched ... anything you like! The sun is the first element.
Think back to the past week, and hunt for good times e. .. made the first page of your ART JOURNAL 2011!
In the link below you will find my: a page SUPER EASY, given the very short time and the poor conditions, but ... unless the spirit of the idea!
And now I would recommend: straight antennae and care of the little beautiful things this week: on Saturday I will tell you what you put in your second page!
good trip e. .. Enjoy!
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