Thursday, January 27, 2011

Recovering Master Lock Combination

Memorial Day ...

Write something on the horror of the Holocaust is not always easy. There is so much to say, so many words of condemnation, of comfort, hope .. in fact, hope that was denied, the lives destroyed and trampled like a flower in a field. Men, women and children without a face, and now no history, that we remember today the victims of one of the darkest pages of human history.
Italy has defined this day: " The Italian Republic recognizes the 27th day of January, date of the gates of Auschwitz," Day of Remembrance "to remember the Shoah (the extermination of the ebraico), le leggi razziali, la persecuzione italiana dei cittadini ebrei, gli italiani che hanno subìto la deportazione, la prigionia, la morte, nonché coloro che, anche in campi e schieramenti diversi, si sono opposti al progetto di sterminio, ed a rischio della propria vita hanno salvato altre vite e protetto i perseguitati. »
Quindi non solo questo ricordo tocca in particolar modo il popolo ebreo, che è stato maggiormente colpito da quest'orrore, ma anche italiani che hanno subito la deportazione, la prigionia, la morte di coloro che si sono opposti a questa tragedia o hanno protetto i perseguitati. E se da un lato è giusto ricordare what has been, we can not put our heads in the sand and fail to see how many injustices of this kind are in the rest of the world and that we may not know, where hatred gets the better of love and where so many innocent people lose their life without any real reason.
As I write these lines came to my mind two great saints, witnesses and victims of concentration camps: Maximilian Kolbe and Edith Stein (now Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross). The first, offered his life in exchange for a father and the other, bore witness to Christ even in the dark camp of Auschwitz and died in a gas chamber.
the face of such suffering was, that is, and that I hope never will be, the only thing to do is pray ... pray God will accept in a single embrace of love, these innocent souls in heaven and will return free, to live forever in the Father's house, together with the angels and the saints, I pray the Lord to watch over us and end up all these horrors never happen again, I ask the Lord to grant us a world where peace among all peoples, the brotherly love and respect.


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