Monday, January 3, 2011

Iron Tablets Dark Faeces How Long Out Of System

One Year ...

Dear friends and visitors of my blog, even if late, I offer you my best and sincere wishes for a Happy New Year to you and your families. As I wrote in the title of this post, which is one year for all of us with Christ, the giver of peace and light. In this holiday season we have been shaken by the violence against Christians, list the places and the victims does not help anything, the problem is one: the world still has not accepted Christ. Also told us the Gospel of John: was among his and his people received him not .. Yes dear friends, there is still a lot of work, to suffer, with tears irrigate the arid land where man tramples on the dignity of another man. Praying for peace must be the subject of this year, peace not only for Christians but for all religious denominations, so there are no bloody persecutions, the peace can be possible where there is Jesus Christ , that is true peace. I commend to you this way, in the hope that like me, fighting for a better world, pray that the good Lord watches over us in the faith to be a light for others, especially those who are in darkness.
conclude my greeting with prayer (very dear to me), with which St. Francis blessed his brother Brother Leo, turning from me to you this blessing:
The Lord bless you and keep you, monsters you see his face and have mercy on you.
talk to you his eyes and give you peace.


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