Friday, January 21, 2011

What Is The Dosage Of Ambien On A 16 Year Old


Ciao gente!
Intanto buon anno dallo Spritz Letterario.
Chi è il signore ritratto nella foto con la spillina dello Spritz Letterario?
L'editore LATERZA... nientepopodimeno chè!
Già, we met at Vicenza in December and we have told about us.
He is a founding member of the Presidium of the book, a sort of network of contacts between groups seeking to convey the pleasure of reading, in an unconventional way.
would be nice to become a Presidium of the Book in our city. Meanwhile, the contact has already happened and that's great news for us.

New Year's Resolutions:
- Publishing a new book;
- have fun writing and reading together;
- organize events to share the pleasure of the written word;
- organize seminars and courses, including a Reading Aware. That will be

able? If the enthusiasm is always at the top: yes!

Happy New Year to all.


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