Sunday, February 27, 2011

Squash In West London

Incontro con... AMÈLIE NOTHOMB!

Che donna, che scrittrice!
Mercoledì 23 febbraio scorso abbiamo incontrato, al Galla Caffè di Vicenza (unica data in Veneto) la mitica Amélie Nothomb . Scrittrice di origine belga, born in Kobe, Japan August 13, 1967 and lives in Paris.
was presented his latest work "a form of life" , but nineteenth published novel, written 64.
Amélie, women are truly available, looks like a rock star: flashy and be aware of his "character." The place was stipatissimo of fans who are proud to be part of the niche players which she directed, have played for over an hour and autograph are made over a hundred of his writings (I personally I took a sports bag full of French and Italian editions!).
public Albin Michel in France and in Italy for the superlative publisher VOLAND (nome preso da uno dei personaggi del diavolo in "Il Maestro e Margherita") fondata e diretta da Daniela Di Sora, che ha la capacità di stanare autori di narrativa davvero fuori dal comune, come il nuovo "Incidenze" di Philippe Djian (del quale consiglio la lettura e che presto sarà al Galla Caffè).
Bè, lasciatemi cambiare persona e andare direttamente all'io narrante: intervistarla è stato per me la coronazione di un sogno! È esattamente com'è nei suoi scritti: sagace, ironica, sarcastica e diretta. Le ho regalato una bottiglia di Dom Perignon Vintage del 2000, che ha bevuto (tutto) durante l'intervista.... soddisfazione massima! Scelta non casuale, se avete letto "Causa di forza more "you can understand. Among the questions that I have put up that there was a port number of shoes (in riferimnto his obsession with obesity, I thought the # of feet never change), answer: 40 . Now you also know this about her, besides the fact that he writes every day from 4 pm to 8 am, in his words: the simplicity of a rule is not to have exceptions , and also writes on January 1st, the day of his birthday and when it is bad, really: every day of the year! Enthusiast Italian cuisine has been with us for dinner until 22:30.
What to add: read Amélie Nothomb, perhaps starting from "Assassin's Hygiene," and if you do not like ... well, ask yourself why! For many, but ... not for everyone!
Ad majora.

Marianna B.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fredericton House Auctions

2011: HAPPY WEEK - Week 6. BIRD

Signore e signori, buon pomeriggio!
Mi rendo conto che per me postare il sabato significa essere perennemente in ritardo... vi chiedo scusa e prometto che programmerò i post in modo da farli uscire in the morning;)
First I want to thank the handful of brave is following me in this adventure: it's beautiful to see and click on the links appear to your creations! :) Makes me really happy, and next week I will write in my AJ: D
If someone starts to become paranoid because it is 'late', I urge you not to look back and pick up where it left off. Maybe it's enough to write down the happy moments ... the 'decoration' is then, if you wish. But do not miss the great small joys of each day! :)
(You expect me intrippa lot, this AJ?;))

Ok, then: for the week which runs from February 27 to March 5, the element to be introduced (FACILISSSSSSSSSSIMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) and birds! I put it in the singular, never to feel obliged to fill the page, but obviously can be more than one.

Below is waiting to see your pages last week, with those scissors.
A big hug, next Saturday!

Longest Survival Food

Ephphatha, opened!

And yet today, Lord,
pronounces these words:
Ephphatha, open up! "
in front of everyone.
Open our ears that we may not
deaf to the calls of our neighbor, friend or traitor
and your voice of conscience,
pleasant or unpleasant it is.
Open our mouths for it to gush
voice sincere affection and esteem,
firm and unwavering,
that defends justice and peace.
Open our hands to remain clean
in our profession, and operational
in our activities,
able to shake hands with everyone,
regardless of their color and warmth.
Open our hearts to vibrate in unison with your
experiencing emotions that lead
to concrete choices and feelings that resist
the course of time and timing.

; ; Pierfortunato Raymond

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pse Nova 1/2010 Model

Santa Eutropia from Lentini

Continue my "journey" to let you know the saints of my beloved land. Tomorrow, 26 February, the Church of Lentini recalls another witness of faith: Holy Eutropia . But we know more about this saint. The news we know about you, are, like all the saints lentinesi, contained in the Acts of Saints Alfio Filadelfo and Cirino . Eutropia was a noble matron, a widow, who lived with her two sons and Servilia Eutalia in Lentini. Witness the miraculous healings of Tecla and Giustina, through the intercession of the Three Saints Alfio, Cirino and Filadelfo, one day he went to the tomb of the saints, implore healing. Eutropia fact, was plagued by loss of blood, as the hemorrhage of the Gospel. On her knees in tears at the tomb of the three martyrs, rising to God to ask for healing. Here is addormetò, tired of fervent prayer and had a heavenly vision in a dream. He saw the three Saints Alfio, Cirino and Philadelphus, in all their glory, full of divine light that the announced full recovery from the disease, but also the martyrdom of Eutalia daughter, who "had to stand next to their bones." Awakened from sleep, it was discovered Eutropia miraculously healed, and also told the dream to her daughter who, meanwhile, was consecrated to the Lord. The vision was fulfilled for the daughter Eutalia, who was beheaded for his faith in Christ, by his brother Servilia, August 27 in 257 AD After the death of her daughter, Eutropia, joined in Santa Tecla and Santa Giustina and strove also to the birth of the Church in Lentini, becoming a of the cornerstones of the emerging new community, after the persecution against Christians.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Denise Milani Car Wash

The differences between the mobile and the Holy Rosary .. :-)

The phone allows communication only if there is no field;
the Rosary puts us in touch with the High and with each other.

Col phone can happen that the other is not currently "unreachable" or is busy, with
Rosario gets straight to the heart of Jesus and the Mother.

With the cell phone may be that the other is not able to hear and does not respond, the Rosary
the hearing is granted immediately and there is no call to be rejected.

With mobile you can run into a cold answering machine, which records and does not answer;
the Rosary will always find a warm heart that welcomes you and a friendly voice that speaks to you. With mobile

cross frontiers of the world;
penetrate the Rosary in Heaven.

The phone can also send messages that upset or hurt, threaten or seduce;
the Rosary shall only words of love and blessing of praise and supplication

The phone costs a lot of money;
il Rosario chiede solo un poco di amore.

Sei tu che "ricarichi" il telefonino consumando denaro;
il Rosario invece "ricarica" te gratis.

Troppi stanno col telefonino incollato all'orecchio;
chi ama è felice di far scorrere fra le dita i grani del Rosario, quasi intessendo con Maria una corona di rose per Gesù.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Angel Blade Punish Watch

The box of clippings # 2

Hello friends! Are you ready? Take your box of clippings because you start! Choose the fantasies that you like. We also present an embellishment to use for our work.

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Our punchatore multipurpose round is usually sharp?! begin to cut two circles of two different patterned. (For a single flower).

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This time we insert a bit of cloth! This must be una specie di rasetto…sintetico ma non troppo. Le fibre sintetiche a contatto con il calore si stringono, facendo arricciare la stoffa. Prendiamo una candela e “bruciacchiamo” i bordi dei cerchi di stoffa. (per un fiorellino basterà un cerchio solo)

  DSC08432            DSC08433

Tagliamo anche dei tondini più piccini, le mie “dosi” sono per quattro fiori. Ok, ricapitoliamo, a questo punto noi abbiamo: DOSI PER 4 FIORELLINI: – 4 tondi gialli; – 4 tondi verdi glitterati; – 4 rounds of cloth with the edges burnt, - all 4 smaller colored rods.

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Take the yellow circles and turn them into corolla, making cuts in the long triangle the board. With a wooden stick (the handle is fine crochet) round off the "petals" to the inside.

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Easy, at this point we just have to create our flower. The layers are as follows: - round cloth / round glittery green (lawn) - round corolla (yellow) and rod all Colored (pollen):)

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Under the smaller rod we shimmed the adhesive, so as to give maximum depth.

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At what point are you? They assembled for good? Do you like your final result? We bend a little bit more petals et. ... Voila!

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Here's what came out today from my box of scraps! ! Show me (link in the comments on this post) cosa avete creato con questa ispirazione….sono trooooopppooooo curiosa!!!

    5397782601_75be06700a_b            5397764995_d4c24febdc_b

Io li ho utilizzati su questo LO che trovate QUI nel mio blog .

    5398378508_48bbcdce82_b           Copia  di DSC08461

Il prossimo appuntamento con lo scatolone dei WEDNESDAY cuttings is' April 6! Do not miss it! :) Baciiiiii

PS If you have not yet participated in my blog candy , click here to win participate. If you can not use it personally you can participate equally to give it to some friends! I just need a mail! :) You have until February 28!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Charlie Likes Lola Likes

owls AJ 2011: Happy Week - Week 5. There is a SCISSORS

Hello to all and welcome back for our weekly appointment. How has the new AJ? What do you think? I personally do every week that passes I do not struggle to find my 'happy moments': we know that the Alenia miracles! And in this If I really like many coaches to recognize the small joys in the midst of daily struggles.

But let us.

element of next week (February 20 to 26) so it is ... well, they are THE SCISSORS! Do not let him just use it to cut! MUST appear in some form on the page! But the way I leave you, as always in complete freedom:)
In the links below instead of waiting to see what you have achieved with our drops last week.
greet you with this: next Saturday!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Unable To Urinate And Singapore

Forgiveness is the victory of the strong.

O Signore, per vivere Te in mezzo agli uomini,
uno dei più grandi rischi da prendere
è quello di perdonare,
di dimenticare il passato dell'altro.
Perdonare e ancora perdonare,
ecco ciò che libera il passato
e immerge nell'istante presente.
Amare è presto detto.
Vivere l'amore che perdona,
è un'altra cosa.
Non si perdona per interesse,
non si perdona mai perché l'altro
sia cambiato dal nostro perdono.
Si perdona unicamente
per seguire Te.
In vista del perdono oserei pregarti, o Gesù,
con la tua ultima preghiera:
Padre, perdona loro,
perché non sanno quello che fanno.
E questa preghiera
ne farà nascere un'altra:
Padre, Forgive me,
because so often I do not know what I do.
Fa 'who can always start over again
convert my heart
to witness a future.

(Rule of Taizé)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Role Of Jewelery And Costmetic Use In Interview

"scrapbooking with me? AJ

Ieri si è conclusa l'ultima sfida della "Vecchia era" delle Civette, nei prossimi giorni , in fondo a questo stesso post, troverete il nominativo della vincitrice... quindi tenetelo d'occhio!

Nell'attesa è finalmente arrivato il momento di mostrarvi la mia rubrica mensile: ogni 3° mercoledì del mese troverete un'ispirazione per realizzare un progetto scrap: tra chi linkerà la propria interpretazione sceglieremo la guest designer di uno dei mesi successivi. Per rendere la sfida più interessante, mi auguro parteciperete in tante!
Ed ecco la sfida-ispirazione di questo mese: realizzare un Lo in un formato diverso dal solito , scegliete voi quale, ma non quadrato (niente 30x30, 20x20...).
Io ho preparato questa pagina, 15x20, da inserire nel minialbum che è stato regalato a Tobina da alcune amiche scrapper, in occasione della nascita di Tobia...lo so sono in ritardo (solo di un anno però!) e sono anche la sua madrina, ma si arrivo tardi, ma arrivo!

Ed ora tocca a voi, avete un mese di tempo per partecipare, il 15 marzo scadrà il termine.

17 febbraio - Aggiornamento: la vincitrice della sfida dello scorso mese , scelta direttamente dalla nostra Guest Designer, Lizzy, è..................................

who participated with this beautiful LO

As promised, Roby will receive a little thought and will be the Guest Designer for the month of March .

Now get to work, waiting for your membership to the inspiration of this month!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Layla On Sky Highs Dress

uncorrupted tongue of St. Anthony of Padua

February 15 for the devotees of St. Anthony is a special feast. It occurs because the extraordinary event of the discovery of the language of Anthony, miraculously incorrupt.
The chronicles of the time tell us that back in 1263, exactly thirty two years after the death of the Saint, was the first exhumation of the body of Antonio, to be moved into "his" new church. Among the many devotees, there was St. Bonaventure Bagnoreggio, then minister general of the Franciscans. The marvel was accomplished under the eyes of all, open the chest, it was discovered the language still intact! The joy of the faithful, mixed with astonishment was so great, so that St. Bonaventura exclaimed with joy: " O blessed tongue, you have always praised the Lord and he did it to bless others, now occurring in all the great merits of your acquired with God .
Thus was born the devotion to St. Anthony language, that language became a tool in the marvelous preaching of the Word of God Antonio, we may well dirlo, tra tutti i santi è stato il predicatore più "famoso" di tutta la storia della Chiesa, basti pensare alle folle che accorrevano alle sue predicazioni, tanto da spingere il Santo, ormai negli ultimi giorni della sua vita terrena a rifugiarsi nell'eremo di Camposampiero per trovare la serenità che la sua "fama" gli toglieva. La storia di questo miracolo suscita in me molte riflessioni, basti pensare cosa è scritto nella Sacra Bibbia, e precisamente nel libro dei Proverbi: Argento pregiato è la lingua del giusto,e le sue labbra ammaestrano molti. Appena ho letto queste righe, il mio pensiero è andato subito al Santo di Padova, il quale il Signore ha concesso che la sua lingua non andasse in corruption, that language so that he praised God and never spoke in vain. But how do we relate to us today, with this event? What about Antonio the miracle of his tongue incorrupt? Our language at times, deserves to be removed, because God offends, insults his neighbor, the brothers .. We use offensive language as a sharp sword, a sword that hurts more when it hits a real sword, because the shot goes straight to the heart . Antonio teaches us even today to use our language well. Not to make an instrument of aggression, but because they like him, we praise the Lord, singing its wonders, bless him and thank him, and never to insult or worse, give him the blame for our suffering. With our language we can do well also to our brothers, our neighbor, write a word of comfort, hope, bring the other to God, to witness how His love has changed our lives .. and above all become courageous witnesses of the Word of God Yes, as it did with Antonio so the Lord has need of our "language" so the Word comes to the ends of the earth. Only by doing this, we are true Christians, true sons of God, our Lord Jesus' brothers and friends of Anthony, our traveling companion.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Milena Velba Free Long Movie

Owls 2011: HAPPY WEEK - Week 3. STAMPS + 4. DROP

Here we are girls!
So today there will be a small change in plans: In addition to give l'elemento da usare nella pagina con le cose belle della settimana appena terminata, vi svelerò in anticipo l'elemento che caratterizzerà la pagina di settimana prossima. Perchè? Perchè giustamente, come mi è stato fatto notare, sapendo in anticipo il nostro 'vincolo', se ne avete voglia potete preparare la vostra pagina 'prima' e scrivere le cose belle 'poi' ;)

Allora, per la settimana dal 6 al 12 febbraio quello che non può mancare nella vostra pagina sono i TIMBRI!!! facilissssssssimooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
E su questo credo di non dover aggiungere altro :D

Non lasciatevi trarre in inganno dall'immagine, però: questi sono timbri postali, ma vanno bene timbri DI QUALUNQUE GENERE!

Per la settimana prossima, invece dal 13 al 19 febbraio il gioco si fa più difficile... ma non impossibile. L'elemento da inserire è una GOCCIA.

Su questo voglio lasciare la massima libertà, senza dare indicazioni o suggerimenti: SICURAMENTE qualunque vostra interpretazione andrà benissimo, non esiste mai nulla di 'sbagliato' nel nostro hobby :)
Ci risentiamo settimana prossima; nel frattempo, se volete, potete inserire le vostre interpretazioni della settimana appena trascorsa qui sotto, dove trovate anche la mia.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Omc 115 Turbojet No Power

Bernadette said ...

From the 'Letter to P. Gondrand »St Mary Bernadette Soubirous, a virgin. 1861
One day, on the banks of the river Gave recatami to collect firewood along with two girls, I heard a noise. I turned towards the field but I saw that the trees were not moving at all, so I raised my head and looked at the cave. I saw a lady clad in white robes. He wore a white dress and was surrounded by a blue band. On each foot had a golden rose, which was the same color of the rosary. At this sight, I rubbed my eyes, believing in a delusion. I put my hands in his lap, where I found my rosary. I wanted to also make the sign of the cross on the forehead, but I could not raise my hand, I fell. Having that Lady made the sign of the cross, too, though with a trembling hand, I tried and finally I succeeded. At the same time I began to pray the rosary, and also the same lady was sliding the beads of her rosary without moving his lips. After the rosary to the vision now scomparve.Domandai two girls if they saw something, but they said no, in fact I questioned what I had to reveal them. Then said he saw a lady in white, but I did not know who he was. The felt, however, not to mention it. Then also urged me not to come back to that place, but I refused.
We therefore returned on Sunday, hearing to be called internally.
That Lady I spoke only the third time and asked me if I wanted to go to her for a fortnight. I answered yes. She added that I had to call the priests because they did build a chapel there, and then commanded me to drink from the fountain. Since I did not see any, I went to the river Gave, but she waved me who did not speak of the river and showed me her finger a fountain. Recatami there, I found if not a little muddy water. I pulled my hand, but I could not take anything, so I started digging and I could finally get some water, I threw away the three times, but the fourth I could drink it. The vision then vanished, and I went back home.
For fifteen days, however, went back there and the Lord appeared to me every day, except on a Monday and a Friday, telling me again to tell the priests that they did build a chapel there to go to the fountain to wash and pray for the conversion of sinners . I asked repeatedly who he was, but she smiled sweetly. In the end, having raised arms and raising his eyes told me to be the Immaculate Conception.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Calculate The Voltage Of Lights

Catholics and Mary

why Catholics honor the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Archbishop Mark A. Pivarunas

Dear Beloved in Christ,

Among the various features that prove that the Catholic Church is the only true Church of Christ (the four marks of the Church - one, holy, catholic and apostolic), there a special feature that is clearly based on Scripture and that is unique to Catholicism - the honor and devotion of the Catholic Church for the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. There is not a single month of the year has several festivals in his honor. For example, consider the months of August and September, in which there are seven feasts of the church calendar dedicated to her.
This honor and devotion to Mary, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, are one of many things rejected by Protestants. Protestants claim that devotion to Mary of the Catholic Church is not based on Scripture, which is an insult to Christ, that no one should pray to Mary because "there is only one Ombudsman in relation to the Father," that Mary remained a virgin etc.. So then it is important for Catholics to know Sacred Scripture and responding to these attacks against the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, especially in these times, when there was such a development of seven non-Catholic who zealously spread the their heretical teachings.
Cominciamo la nostra difesa della Chiesa Cattolica e della sua devozione per la Beata Vergine Maria con la considerazione delle similitudini tra la Caduta e la Redenzione dell’uomo.
Nel libro della Genesi, leggiamo come i nostri progenitori, Adamo ed Eva, caddero nel peccato originale. Satana, sotto forma di serpente, tentò dapprima Eva. Quando Eva ebbe mangiato del frutto proibito, lo offrì ad Adamo, che ne partecipò. Adamo, in quanto capo della razza umana, produsse la caduta del genere umano; ciò avvenne, comunque, tramite la cooperazione di Eva.
Quando Adamo ed Eva furono caduti, Iddio Onnipotente non solo punì loro e la loro progenie per il peccato originale, ma promise anche di inviare un Redentore.
"And the Lord God said to the serpent ... I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel (Gen. 3:13-15).
Who is in the text of Scripture, the "woman" of which God Almighty ordered the enmity against Satan? Who is "her seed"? What do the words "and it will crush his head"?
In the Old Testament, Adam caused the fall of mankind with the cooperation of Eve. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ, the God-Man, produced with the cooperation of our redemption of the Virgin Mary. Eve, our ancestor, was tentata da un angelo caduto a disobbedire al comando di Dio, ed essa di conseguenza indusse Adamo al peccato. Nel Nuovo Testamento, un altro angelo, l’Arcangelo S.Gabriele, annunciò la volontà di Dio alla SS.Vergine Maria ed essa, diversamente da Eva, si sottomise umilmente.
Nel Vangelo di S. Luca, leggiamo:
“L’ Angelo Gabriele fu inviato ad una Vergine sposata ad un uomo il cui nome era Giuseppe, della Casa di Davide; e il nome della Vergine era Maria” (Luca 1:27).
Come allora Le si rivolse l’Arcangelo S.Gabriele? Il Vangelo di S. Luca continua:
“Ave, piena di grazia, il Signore è con te. Tu sei benedetta fra le donne!”
“Non temere, Maria, perché hai trovato grazia presso Dio. Ecco, concepirai nel tuo seno, e darai alla luce un Figlio, e gli darai nome Gesù... Lo Spirito Santo verrà su di te e la potenza dell’Altissimo ti adombrerà. E perciò anche il Santo che nascerà da te sarà chiamato il Figlio di Dio.”
Chi può negare la dignità della SS.Vergine Maria — scelta per essere la Madre di N.S. Gesù Cristo? L’Arcangelo Gabriele, inviato da Dio stesso, l’onorò e le rese gloria.
Inoltre, quando la SS.Vergine Maria visitò sua cugina, S. Elisabetta
“fu ripiena di Spirito Santo, e ad alta voce esclamò: ‘Benedetta sei Tu fra le donne, e benedetto è il Frutto del tuo seno. E a cosa debbo, che la Madre del mio Signore venga a me?’”
Ancora una volta, onore e gloria sono resi alla SS.Vergine Maria da S. Elisabetta, “ripiena di Spirito Santo”
Poi durante questa stessa visita, la SS.Vergine Maria rispose alle lodi di sua cugina con la preghiera così piena di umiltà e di lode di Dio:
“L’anima mia magnifica il Signore... perché ha riguardato all’umiltà della Sua serva; ed ecco, d’ora innanzi tutte le generazioni mi chiameranno beata. Poiché Colui che è potente mi ha fatto grandi cose.”
Come cattolici, membri dell’unica vera Chiesa di Cristo, onoriamo la SS.Vergine Maria, la Madre di N.S. Gesù Cristo. La chiamiamo Madre di Dio, perché è davvero la Madre dell’unica Persona Divina, Gesù Cristo, che ha sia la natura di Dio, sia la natura dell’Uomo. Con questo titolo di “Madre di Dio,” ci riferiamo semplicemente alla SS.Vergine Maria come fece S. Elisabetta allorchè “ripiena di Spirito Santo esclamò... E a cosa debbo, che la Madre del mio Signore venga a me?”
I cattolici non adorano la Beata Vergine Maria, come i protestanti falsamente credono. Onoriamo Colei che fu così intimamente connessa con Gesù Cristo, il Figlio di Dio, la Seconda Persona della SS. Trinità. Si, c’è un unico Mediatore presso il Padre: Gesù Cristo. Solo il Dio-Uomo Gesù Cristo could redeem mankind. Nevertheless, we pray to Mary to intercede for us with her Divine Son. How often do we ask the assistance of the prayers of other men who know - the more powerful are the prayers and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary! In the Old Testament, we read how Moses prayed with open arms and interceded with God to procure the victory of the Israelites over their enemies in a crucial battle. As long as he prayed, they were victorious. When stopped the prayers, the Israelites began to lose. Because of this, it was necessary for two men to support the arms of Moses in prayer until the battle was won. We read in ancient Testament as Joshua prayed to God to prolong the day to win another crucial battle. If Moses and Joshua were able to achieve such intercession with God, the more powerful are the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary! The Gospel of St.
John records two significant stories that refer to Mary - the wedding feast of Cana and the crucifixion. Regarding the first, we read:
"There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the Mother of Jesus was gone. Even Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And finishing the wine, the mother of Jesus said to him: 'They have no wine'. And Jesus said to her, 'Woman, what have you and I to che vedere in questo? La mia ora non è ancora venuta.’ Ma Sua Madre disse ai servitori: ‘Qualsiasi cosa vi dirà, fatela’” (Giov. 2:1-5).
Gesù Cristo allora procedette a compiere il Suo primo miracolo pubblico su richiesta di Sua Madre. Qualunque cosa sia riferita dai Vangeli è ispirata da Dio, ed ha una sua ragione. Questa narrazione del banchetto di nozze non manifesta forse il potere intercessorio di Maria presso il Suo Divin Figlio Gesù Cristo?
Nel secondo racconto, preso anch’esso dal Vangelo di S.Giovanni, leggiamo
“Presso la Croce di Gesù stava Sua Madre... Gesù dunque, vedendo Sua Madre e lì presente il discepolo che Egli amava, disse a Sua Madre: 'Woman, behold your son John ...'"(. 19:25-27). As Eve Adam
cooperated with the fall of mankind, the Blessed Virgin Mary cooperated with Jesus Christ for our redemption. She "stood by the Cross of Jesus" What anguish, sadness that the Mother of Jesus had to experience at the foot of the Cross, and bore witness to the suffering and death of her Divine Son!
In both narratives, Jesus turns to Mary with the term 'woman'. In Hebrew the word used by Jesus was a term with which we turned to a queen or a woman of high rank. It was a term of great respect.
But because Jesus Christ spoke to His Mother by the term "Woman" in these two important moments of your life - His first public miracle, and His Crucifixion?
Our Divine Lord wanted to make it clear that his mother was the woman spoken of in Genesis:
"I will put enmity between thee (Satan) and the woman, between thy seed and her seed her, and she shall crush his head. "
Finally, Catholics firmly believe that Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, was" ever virgin. "That Mary was a virgin before and after the miraculous birth of Jesus can be shown by the passage of the Prophet Isaiah:
" The Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and His Name shall be called Emmanuel. "
Note well that the virgin is the subject of the verbs to conceive and give birth.
Regarding what happened after the birth of Jesus, Protestants deny that Mary remained a virgin with their false interpretation of Sacred Scripture. To briefly summarize their arguments, they insist that in the Gospel of St. Matthew we read:
"And he (St. Joseph) knew her not till she brought forth her firstborn son and named him Jesus" (Matt. 1:25 ).
false and are based on two points - "knew her not till" and "his firstborn." In the use of Scripture, "until" Is what happened to a certain point and leave the future aside. So for example, God says in the book of Isaiah, "I am as long as you get older" (Isaiah 46:4). From this we infer that God would then cease to be? Of course not! Still, in the book of Psalms, God the Father says to His Divine Son: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool" (Ps. 109). Did the Messiah, once His enemies are subdued, should lose its place of honor? Of course not! So when St. Matthew records, "And he knew her not till she brought forth her firstborn son," his main purpose was to dire ai lettori che la nascita di Cristo fu miracolosa e che S.Giuseppe non ebbe parte nel concepimento del Bimbo di Maria. Per quanto concerne il termine, “primogenito,” esso era un termine legale e non implicava che Maria abbia avuto altri bambini. Il bimbo è chiamato primogenito per il fatto del suo aprire il grembo materno e non per contraddistinguerlo da altre nascite successive.
I protestanti fanno anche riferimento a vari passi dei Vangeli che si riferiscono ai “fratelli del Signore” e da questo ricavano che Maria ebbe altri figli. Ancora una volta interpretano falsamente le Scritture. Il termine ebraico “ahh,” che significa “i fratelli” è applicabile non solo a dei fratelli nel senso più stretto, but also to his grandchildren (see January 14:16), cousins \u200b\u200b(see Num 16:10), her husband (see Cannot. 4:9; Esther 16:12), members of the same race (see No. 20 : 14), allies (see Amos 1:9), and friends (see Job 6:15). There are scripture references that indicate that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, had other children. Why Jesus, dying on the Cross, assigned the care of his mother to the Apostle St. John? This would not have been necessary if there were his brothers in the strict sense.
The constant tradition of the Church of Christ since the earliest times of Christianity has always believed this privilege of Mary. This is amply proved by the writings of first Popes, from the early Councils of the Church, and by the early Fathers and Doctors of the Church. In conclusion, as members of the one true Church of Christ, we fulfill the prophecy made by the Blessed Virgin Mary during her visit to St. Elizabeth - "Behold from henceforth all generations will call me blessed."

In Christo Jesu et Maria Immaculata, Mark A.
+ Pivarunas, CMRI

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not today

We should post an episode of Ross's book today, but no, I do not feel. Yesterday was not the mother of our irreplaceable Ciacchina, and we share his sorrow and respect in this way. No inspiration, then, only silence and prayer, to which I hope to join. Hugs to all

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Where Can I Buy Beyblades In Australia


Dear all,
readers, writers and supporters, many good news in this February sun. Let's start with the literary critic Piero Dorfles , which will be in Vicenza on February 10 to present his new book "The Return of the dinosaur ", namely the Galla Coffee at 18:30. But the real gem is that it will be our guest at dinner the night before. Time: Dorfles only Spritz Literature. Ok, sometimes Santa also arrives after the Epiphany! And do not say that I do nothing for us.

Dorfles, in his book, tells a great truth: ... Culture can be an 'antidote involution in progress.

In our small is that we try to do: vaccines against ignorance! But we do not stop here, we try to convey all the passion and enthusiasm for the written word, as a witness to an intellectual and intellectual capacity that naturally belongs to man. The culture sets us free, yeah, free to choose.

Then the big news on the author's niche: Amélie Nothomb .
Galla Coffee will be at the February 23 at 18:30 for "A form di vita " Ed. Voland, suo nuovo lavoro incentrato sull'obesità dei soldati americani di ritorno dall'Iraq. Saprà stupirci nuovamente con il suo sarcasmo! Lo Spritz Letterario c'entra a pieno titolo, visto che chi intervisterà l'autrice belga è il suo Presidente (non voglia suonare spocchioso, ma gratificante).

Insomma: un febbraio degno di nota!
Ad majora.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Vip Welcome Letters Samples


Hello to all! Sorry for the delay, the winch is rampant in our country and the week has flown without my realizing it ...
Here I am, therefore, with the second week of our AJ 'HAPPY':)

The content you have to enter the page if you want to play with us will be le FARFALLE: facile! Credo non esista scrapper al mondo che non abbia usato almeno una farfalla in una sua pagina ;)
Se volete vedere la mia paginetta (sempre assolutamente MINIMAL, dati i tempi) la trovate QUI , e colgo l'occasione per farvi vedere quale delizioso minialbum regalatomi da Simona sto utilizzando; è perfetto per questo AJ: eccolo!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Milena Velba Oil Message

Hymn to St. Agatha, virgin and martyr

praise the unconquered martyr resplendent divine light of the great hymn to the heroine at the altar covered with flowers. Hoping to spread the joy of beating the sacred in the sky and the shadow of mystical veil lies the heart of the festive hymn
You who shine in heaven crowned with victory, or Agatha, pray for us the glory from above.

exulting in the harsh torments light in dark prison with a pure heart, she tackles the threats of a cruel man, do not listen to lure vain promises of a dream he won the radiant heat and love the harmony of heaven 's eternal splendor.

You who shine in heaven crowned with victory, or Agatha, pray for us the glory from above.

For centuries, flies his name resonates pei mountains and the sea bathed in sunshine the altar, the body retains its faithful. Up! Leviam, citizens, the cheers for bravery centenary, powerful woman who prayed to the dying of the Lord of life immortal.

You who shine in heaven crowned with victory, or Agatha, pray for us the glory from above.