Santa Giustina from Lentini
cousin and maid of Santa Tecla, Giustina the young do not know much, if not episodes interwoven with the lives of Saints Alfio Filadelfo and Cirino and Tecla precisely. Much loved and appreciated for its simplicity, Justine was a child was blind in one eye. One night, while his cousin Tecla led care and comfort to the three saints in the prison closed, bandage the wounds of Sant'Alfio miraculously regains his sight. For gratitude to God and his saints, miracle after that he began his work of charity to the poor and needy of the city along with Tecla. During the burial of three saints, Giustina was present, as this was at the helm of the nascent Church of Lentini, after the persecution against Christians. A presence, therefore, silent but active, humble and industrious, and if on the one hand, his figure is almost overshadowed by the holiness of her cousin Tecla, Justine is still a popular saint in Lentini, who also named a street the city. He died Jan. 10 of the holy 262 AD In the paintings of the vault of the Cathedral Church of Lentini you can always admire Giustina alongside Tecla, just as valuable in the closet of the sacristy, where the two saints are depicted life-size. A small tribute to a saint who made his humility is a precious gift to God
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
What's The Difference With Graboid Pearl And Onyx
Owls 2011: HAPPY WEEK!
Here, it's time!
(it was time, you say ...)
It 's time to present the new AJ 2011 of the Owls :
(the title)
Ok, now I'll explain everything.
The idea that I had for j 2011, more or less, is also just come to someone else smarter than me and tip (found HERE , an idea is great! The fact I had I: D).
So I had to invent something else. I wanted something that was both a diary of the year (Type 1 LO month above) is a way to try to see and think positive. Does anyone know that I have this fixed;) and now a thousand years ago I made a kind of a day called Happy ATC card ... here, the idea is similar.
I propose to record, week after week, the good things that happen, important or simple, small joys and moments of profound happiness ...
The goal: to have at the end of a long collection of happy moments experienced throughout 2011 and faithfully reported in our journal.
1. SUN
On the first page you enter a sun. Designed, chipboard, cut, photographed, stamped, punched ... anything you like! The sun is the first element.
Think back to the past week, and hunt for good times e. .. made the first page of your ART JOURNAL 2011!
In the link below you will find my: a page SUPER EASY, given the very short time and the poor conditions, but ... unless the spirit of the idea!
And now I would recommend: straight antennae and care of the little beautiful things this week: on Saturday I will tell you what you put in your second page!
good trip e. .. Enjoy!

Here, it's time!
(it was time, you say ...)
It 's time to present the new AJ 2011 of the Owls :
(the title)
Ok, now I'll explain everything.
The idea that I had for j 2011, more or less, is also just come to someone else smarter than me and tip (found HERE , an idea is great! The fact I had I: D).
So I had to invent something else. I wanted something that was both a diary of the year (Type 1 LO month above) is a way to try to see and think positive. Does anyone know that I have this fixed;) and now a thousand years ago I made a kind of a day called Happy ATC card ... here, the idea is similar.

I propose to record, week after week, the good things that happen, important or simple, small joys and moments of profound happiness ...
The goal: to have at the end of a long collection of happy moments experienced throughout 2011 and faithfully reported in our journal.
Let me explain: to try to see the positive side of things, every day at least to find a source of happiness, once a week about six days precedenti per trovare le cose belle che ci sono successe. Una bella dormita? Una sciata con gli amici? Tante tazze di cioccolata? Si può scegliere di celebrare un solo momento, di elencarli fedelmente tutti, di fare una selezione dei momenti migliori… per poi ‘scrapparli’, decorarli, illustrarli nella paginetta del nostro art journal.
CHI PENSA DI NON FARCELA, perchè un impegno settimanale è troppo, può fare come credo farò io: una specie di 'registrazione' dei fatti con cadenza mensile, o come volete voi. Ricordate: MASSIMA LIBERTA' DI SCELTA! Sia nella periodizzazione, sia nel formato, come in tutto il resto.
CHI PENSA DI NON FARCELA, perchè un impegno settimanale è troppo, può fare come credo farò io: una specie di 'registrazione' dei fatti con cadenza mensile, o come volete voi. Ricordate: MASSIMA LIBERTA' DI SCELTA! Sia nella periodizzazione, sia nel formato, come in tutto il resto.
Ma non è finita qui... altrimenti vi direi: " Ready ... go! See you at the end of the year! "And I'd be there to do here perched on the dresser? : D Then every week I would like to propose an item for inclusion in your page may be linked or not to scrap it does not matter, it will be like a red thread that joins the pages of all participants.
Want an example? So let's start with the new AJ!
Let's start today, I can do to catch up, so who wants to can 'do' the first few weeks on any subject ;-)
1. SUN

On the first page you enter a sun. Designed, chipboard, cut, photographed, stamped, punched ... anything you like! The sun is the first element.
Think back to the past week, and hunt for good times e. .. made the first page of your ART JOURNAL 2011!
In the link below you will find my: a page SUPER EASY, given the very short time and the poor conditions, but ... unless the spirit of the idea!
And now I would recommend: straight antennae and care of the little beautiful things this week: on Saturday I will tell you what you put in your second page!
good trip e. .. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Recovering Master Lock Combination
Memorial Day ...
Write something on the horror of the Holocaust is not always easy. There is so much to say, so many words of condemnation, of comfort, hope .. in fact, hope that was denied, the lives destroyed and trampled like a flower in a field. Men, women and children without a face, and now no history, that we remember today the victims of one of the darkest pages of human history.
Italy has defined this day: " The Italian Republic recognizes the 27th day of January, date of the gates of Auschwitz," Day of Remembrance "to remember the Shoah (the extermination of the ebraico), le leggi razziali, la persecuzione italiana dei cittadini ebrei, gli italiani che hanno subìto la deportazione, la prigionia, la morte, nonché coloro che, anche in campi e schieramenti diversi, si sono opposti al progetto di sterminio, ed a rischio della propria vita hanno salvato altre vite e protetto i perseguitati. »
Quindi non solo questo ricordo tocca in particolar modo il popolo ebreo, che è stato maggiormente colpito da quest'orrore, ma anche italiani che hanno subito la deportazione, la prigionia, la morte di coloro che si sono opposti a questa tragedia o hanno protetto i perseguitati. E se da un lato è giusto ricordare what has been, we can not put our heads in the sand and fail to see how many injustices of this kind are in the rest of the world and that we may not know, where hatred gets the better of love and where so many innocent people lose their life without any real reason.
As I write these lines came to my mind two great saints, witnesses and victims of concentration camps: Maximilian Kolbe and Edith Stein (now Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross). The first, offered his life in exchange for a father and the other, bore witness to Christ even in the dark camp of Auschwitz and died in a gas chamber.
the face of such suffering was, that is, and that I hope never will be, the only thing to do is pray ... pray God will accept in a single embrace of love, these innocent souls in heaven and will return free, to live forever in the Father's house, together with the angels and the saints, I pray the Lord to watch over us and end up all these horrors never happen again, I ask the Lord to grant us a world where peace among all peoples, the brotherly love and respect.
the face of such suffering was, that is, and that I hope never will be, the only thing to do is pray ... pray God will accept in a single embrace of love, these innocent souls in heaven and will return free, to live forever in the Father's house, together with the angels and the saints, I pray the Lord to watch over us and end up all these horrors never happen again, I ask the Lord to grant us a world where peace among all peoples, the brotherly love and respect.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Memphis Cruising Spots
glorious end of an AJ
Dear friends, sorry if I arrive near the end of January, but damn, the last months of 2010 were definitely challenging ... and the beginning of 2011 the same!
I want to celebrate with you (late) this year and the end of our AJ 2010, with the joke that made us, given that they are 52 weeks in a year, but in 2010 were Friday 53: D
why, thank you for this trip did together, I would post a small selection of works that have entered the tunnel: thanks to those who have been holding on to the end, thanks who did with us just a little piece of road, thanks to those who have thought of doing it because he liked the idea (but then the time is short and many more things to do ...).
The work you see are, in no particular order:
Vi do appuntamento sabato prossimo per presentarvi la nuova proposta dell'AJ DELLE CIVETTE 2011!!!
See you soon!
Dear friends, sorry if I arrive near the end of January, but damn, the last months of 2010 were definitely challenging ... and the beginning of 2011 the same!
I want to celebrate with you (late) this year and the end of our AJ 2010, with the joke that made us, given that they are 52 weeks in a year, but in 2010 were Friday 53: D
why, thank you for this trip did together, I would post a small selection of works that have entered the tunnel: thanks to those who have been holding on to the end, thanks who did with us just a little piece of road, thanks to those who have thought of doing it because he liked the idea (but then the time is short and many more things to do ...).

The work you see are, in no particular order:
Chiara - many
Ciacchina - Home
Elenab - purple
Etta - Travel
Holly - makeup
Jana - light
Jana - profondità
Lara - casa
Manimente - sogno
Marina - luce
Pam - tempo
Roberta - profondità
Ross - viaggio
Sabry - malinconia
Tobina - trucco
E con questo si chiude un'epoca... ma sta per aprirsene un'altra!Vi do appuntamento sabato prossimo per presentarvi la nuova proposta dell'AJ DELLE CIVETTE 2011!!!
See you soon!
Friday, January 21, 2011
What Is The Dosage Of Ambien On A 16 Year Old
Ciao gente!
Intanto buon anno dallo Spritz Letterario.
Chi è il signore ritratto nella foto con la spillina dello Spritz Letterario?
L'editore LATERZA... nientepopodimeno chè!
Già, we met at Vicenza in December and we have told about us.
He is a founding member of the Presidium of the book, a sort of network of contacts between groups seeking to convey the pleasure of reading, in an unconventional way.
would be nice to become a Presidium of the Book in our city. Meanwhile, the contact has already happened and that's great news for us.
New Year's Resolutions:
- Publishing a new book;
- have fun writing and reading together;
- organize events to share the pleasure of the written word;
- organize seminars and courses, including a Reading Aware. That will be
able? If the enthusiasm is always at the top: yes!

Ciao gente!
Intanto buon anno dallo Spritz Letterario.
Chi è il signore ritratto nella foto con la spillina dello Spritz Letterario?
L'editore LATERZA... nientepopodimeno chè!
Già, we met at Vicenza in December and we have told about us.
He is a founding member of the Presidium of the book, a sort of network of contacts between groups seeking to convey the pleasure of reading, in an unconventional way.
would be nice to become a Presidium of the Book in our city. Meanwhile, the contact has already happened and that's great news for us.
New Year's Resolutions:
- Publishing a new book;
- have fun writing and reading together;
- organize events to share the pleasure of the written word;
- organize seminars and courses, including a Reading Aware. That will be
able? If the enthusiasm is always at the top: yes!
Happy New Year to all.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wording For Wedding Gift Requests Donations
Tremble tremble .... the owls are back !!!!!
Just so dear friends! The Owls are back full of enthusiasm and new ideas! Remaining faithful to our only rule: scrap = relax, we are ready to begin a new year, the banner of the scrap light and fun! Here on the bureau will not find big projects, there will be amazing American designers, nothing unique techniques, nothing trendy materials. The only thing we want to offer friendship and a lot of contagious! We will pass along this new year, scrapbooking for the sheer pleasure of it!
Each of us, "parent owls" will give a precise day in your address book, so you'll always know when be able to pick up a cup of tea!
no more talk and begin immediately!
My book has a title .... and this title is ...... drum roll .....
Just so dear friends! The Owls are back full of enthusiasm and new ideas! Remaining faithful to our only rule: scrap = relax, we are ready to begin a new year, the banner of the scrap light and fun! Here on the bureau will not find big projects, there will be amazing American designers, nothing unique techniques, nothing trendy materials. The only thing we want to offer friendship and a lot of contagious! We will pass along this new year, scrapbooking for the sheer pleasure of it!
Each of us, "parent owls" will give a precise day in your address book, so you'll always know when be able to pick up a cup of tea!
no more talk and begin immediately!
My book has a title .... and this title is ...... drum roll .....
Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, will post a step by step to show you what I made by my beloved and clippings as I have done. I warn you right now .... no exclusive project, only the photographic story of how I make my hand made embellishments! ;)
Today I made the flowers that I use for my next LO. Ready? Go! This is what you get:
choose from our four different magic box and patterned, cut circles ... I made two identical flowers so I did everything for two!
speak of a single flower: Cut a circle small enough, I carry my measurements ... the innermost (an owl) measuring 3 cm. The two immediately greatest measure 5.5 cm (Kraft and the blue one). While the strips (wisteria) are 7 cm x 1 cm.
For the little I used the Dovecraft punchatore for the largest circles .... I used the roll of adhesive tape! Hehehe!
Circle kraft leave it at that, while the blue stagliuzziamo a while! Does nothing if not precise in the middle ... so that part is covered!
predict another piece of patterned and cut eight strips .... we need to create a star!
Sporchiamo i bordi con un tampone marrone....e iniziamo a comporre il fiore!
L'asterisco lo fissiamo con del semplice biadesivo.
Iniziamo poi a fare un sandwich di carte e biadesivo spessorato!
L'asterisco, il cerchio kraft, la stellina azzurra e la civettina!
A questo punto dobbiamo solo decorare il nostro "fiorellino" come più ci piace! Io ho messo degli strass....
Done! They are ready to be placed in my next LO! Cute right? I hope I've made good company for a few minutes. And I also hope to have given a little inspiration to some small Civettini novice scrapper who has not yet familiar with the hand made! :) We'll meet again Wednesday
NINE February for the next dive in the box of cuttings, but keep an eye on the dresser, in short you will also know the wonderful initiatives for the new year of the other super owls!!
you soon!
PS ... let's see if you like your flowers-nonfiorellini
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Pink Motorcycle Birthday Cake
Santa Eustochia Emerald Calafato
Smeralda in name and in fact: it had to be the beautiful daughter of Bernardo Cofino, though many argue that served as a model to his peers Antonello da Messina's famous painting "Annunciation." Ma forse è solo una leggenda, che tuttavia nulla toglie alla sua celebrata bellezza di cui anche oggi ci si può rendere conto: perché, dopo più di 500 anni, il suo corpo è ancora miracolosamente incorrotto, ha passato indenne anche il terremoto del 1908 ed è conservato in una teca di vetro in posizione eretta. La “santa in piedi” (come la chiamava Giovanni Paolo II°) nasce a Messina. il 25 marzo 1434. Suo papà, soprannominato Calafato (destinato a diventare il cognome di tutta la famiglia) è un commerciante che esercita anche via mare il trasporto conto terzi, la mamma è un’autentica cristiana che si è lasciata conquistare dallo spirito francescano, si è iscritta al Terz’Ordine e riesce a trasmettere un grande amore per Chiara e Francesco soprattutto alla figlia Smeralda. Che a 11 anni, a sua insaputa, si ritrova fidanzata con un maturo vedovo trentacinquenne e subisce questo legame per due anni, fino a quando cioè il “fidanzato” muore improvvisamente, facendola meditare sulla brevità della vita e sulla necessità di usare bene il tempo. Non ha neppure 14 anni, ma decide di entrare in convento per dedicarsi completamente a Dio. Netto il rifiuto di papà, al quale non mancano certo altre richieste di matrimonio, anche ghiotte, per quella figlia tanto bella: lei rifiuta ogni proposta, scalpita, litiga con papà e cerca addirittura di scappare da casa. La strada per il convento sembra spianarsi il giorno in whose father dies in Sardinia, during one of his frequent business trips, but now the nuns are not wanting: they are afraid of having set fire to the convent, as the brothers of Emerald have threatened to do. Still unable to realize his dream to enter the Poor Clares and even before the age of 16 years, but what she seemed to be heaven on earth turns out to be completely different from what he had imagined. The spiritual life is relaxed, handouts and favoritism have softened penance to meet the needs of girls of good family who did not want to completely give up their luxuries and their convenience, the abbess, too caught up in temporal things, has lost sight of the spirit of poverty which should be just the daughters of Saint Clare. Emerald, which together with the film took the name Sister Eustochia, is opposed to this way of life and called for a return to the original rule, giving her the first example of an austere life, penitent, woven of prayer and service to elderly and sick sisters. Inevitable confrontation with the abbess and tearing painful, but necessary, leaving the convent to found another, which closely follow the First Rule of St. Clare. We can trouble in 1464, followed by his mother, a sister and a few faithful, even from encountering misunderstandings Friars Minor, who for eight months, leaving the new convent without religious assistance. When he moved to Montevergine il suo monastero si consolida, si ingrandisce e lei lo guida con la saggezza e la spiritualità proprie dei santi. Si spegne a 51 anni, il 20 gennaio 1485 e la firma di Dio sulla sua vita santa sono i miracoli che accompagnano questa suora in vita e in morte, rendendola veneratissima. Nel 1782 Pio VI ne approva il culto “ab immemorabili” e finalmente Giovanni Paolo II°, nel 1988, proclama Eustochia Calafato santa, proprio come già da 5 secoli era ritenuta dai messinesi e dalle Clarisse.
Smeralda in name and in fact: it had to be the beautiful daughter of Bernardo Cofino, though many argue that served as a model to his peers Antonello da Messina's famous painting "Annunciation." Ma forse è solo una leggenda, che tuttavia nulla toglie alla sua celebrata bellezza di cui anche oggi ci si può rendere conto: perché, dopo più di 500 anni, il suo corpo è ancora miracolosamente incorrotto, ha passato indenne anche il terremoto del 1908 ed è conservato in una teca di vetro in posizione eretta. La “santa in piedi” (come la chiamava Giovanni Paolo II°) nasce a Messina. il 25 marzo 1434. Suo papà, soprannominato Calafato (destinato a diventare il cognome di tutta la famiglia) è un commerciante che esercita anche via mare il trasporto conto terzi, la mamma è un’autentica cristiana che si è lasciata conquistare dallo spirito francescano, si è iscritta al Terz’Ordine e riesce a trasmettere un grande amore per Chiara e Francesco soprattutto alla figlia Smeralda. Che a 11 anni, a sua insaputa, si ritrova fidanzata con un maturo vedovo trentacinquenne e subisce questo legame per due anni, fino a quando cioè il “fidanzato” muore improvvisamente, facendola meditare sulla brevità della vita e sulla necessità di usare bene il tempo. Non ha neppure 14 anni, ma decide di entrare in convento per dedicarsi completamente a Dio. Netto il rifiuto di papà, al quale non mancano certo altre richieste di matrimonio, anche ghiotte, per quella figlia tanto bella: lei rifiuta ogni proposta, scalpita, litiga con papà e cerca addirittura di scappare da casa. La strada per il convento sembra spianarsi il giorno in whose father dies in Sardinia, during one of his frequent business trips, but now the nuns are not wanting: they are afraid of having set fire to the convent, as the brothers of Emerald have threatened to do. Still unable to realize his dream to enter the Poor Clares and even before the age of 16 years, but what she seemed to be heaven on earth turns out to be completely different from what he had imagined. The spiritual life is relaxed, handouts and favoritism have softened penance to meet the needs of girls of good family who did not want to completely give up their luxuries and their convenience, the abbess, too caught up in temporal things, has lost sight of the spirit of poverty which should be just the daughters of Saint Clare. Emerald, which together with the film took the name Sister Eustochia, is opposed to this way of life and called for a return to the original rule, giving her the first example of an austere life, penitent, woven of prayer and service to elderly and sick sisters. Inevitable confrontation with the abbess and tearing painful, but necessary, leaving the convent to found another, which closely follow the First Rule of St. Clare. We can trouble in 1464, followed by his mother, a sister and a few faithful, even from encountering misunderstandings Friars Minor, who for eight months, leaving the new convent without religious assistance. When he moved to Montevergine il suo monastero si consolida, si ingrandisce e lei lo guida con la saggezza e la spiritualità proprie dei santi. Si spegne a 51 anni, il 20 gennaio 1485 e la firma di Dio sulla sua vita santa sono i miracoli che accompagnano questa suora in vita e in morte, rendendola veneratissima. Nel 1782 Pio VI ne approva il culto “ab immemorabili” e finalmente Giovanni Paolo II°, nel 1988, proclama Eustochia Calafato santa, proprio come già da 5 secoli era ritenuta dai messinesi e dalle Clarisse.
Preghiera a Santa Eustochia : O Santa Madre Eustochia, prega Gesù per me, aiutami nelle mie necessità a sopportare le pene della vita. Ottienimi la grazia di fare sempre la volontà With your prayer to God deliver me from every evil, and let the Lord be always with me, and I will always be with Him Amen
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Ranitidine Depression
January 18 to 25: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Holy Father that you have glorified your
Son Jesus and you have given power over all flesh, that he communicates
eternal life to all those who believed in him as God and Savior,
we thank you for the gift bestowed upon us men to understand the depth of
union that is between you and your Son and the Holy Spirit, to which we have called
through prayer raised to thee from thy son:
"That are all one,
as you are in me, Father, and I in you;
so that they too may be one in us,
and so the world may believe that you have sent me " .
We really believe he
this unit we have coinvitati,
is needed as a witness
the mystery of your work in human nature,
prone to decay and disintegration
because of sin and selfishness.
This unit is also necessary because the world may believe that there is no other hope
if not in the person of Jesus Christ, your beloved, you have sent to join
the heavenly things to those on Earth.

Holy Father that you have glorified your
Son Jesus and you have given power over all flesh, that he communicates
eternal life to all those who believed in him as God and Savior,
we thank you for the gift bestowed upon us men to understand the depth of
union that is between you and your Son and the Holy Spirit, to which we have called
through prayer raised to thee from thy son:
"That are all one,
as you are in me, Father, and I in you;
so that they too may be one in us,
and so the world may believe that you have sent me " .
We really believe he
this unit we have coinvitati,
is needed as a witness
the mystery of your work in human nature,
prone to decay and disintegration
because of sin and selfishness.
This unit is also necessary because the world may believe that there is no other hope
if not in the person of Jesus Christ, your beloved, you have sent to join
the heavenly things to those on Earth.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Brazilian Wax African American
Christian Unity: the dialogue, you can ...
Like every year, the week of January 18 to 25 is dedicated to prayer for Christian unity. It 's a gift to gather together and pray, no more divisions, but only prayer that rises to the Lord. The dream is to see Jesus one heart one soul; the road is long, however, especially when there is no fundamental component: the respect and mutual acceptance. The presumption then, to be better the other is the icing on a cake already damaged from the start. We must abbassare le "armi", quì nessuno è il preferito, ma tutti siamo preziosi agli occhi di Dio. Bisogna rispettarci anche quando le nostre idee e le nostre visioni di chiesa sono diverse. Bisogna vedere l'altro come un dono di Dio, non come un nemico da convertire ma come un amico. L'amore si testimonia non con le belle parole, ma con i fatti soprattutto, è bello dire di appartenere a Cristo,alla vera religione ecc.. quando poi ci si comporta il discorso ovviamente è esteso a tutti, cattolici e non. Il dialogo è possibile solo se al centro di esso c'è Gesù! " Dove due o tre sono riuniti nel mio nome io sono in mezzo a loro" e quando Gesù è in mezzo a noi c'è la pace, la pace vera che abbatte le barriere e ci unisce in un solo corpo, per essere luce in un mondo sempre più minacciato dalle tenebre.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Guild Emblem Ragnarok
Santa Tecla by Lentini
Oggi 10 gennaio la Santa Chiesa ricorda, tra i tanti testimoni della fede, Santa Tecla vergine , ricca nobildonna della citta di Lentini (SR). Anche se poco conosciuta, la figura di questa giovane donna è assai importante a Lentini, città in cui vide i natali nel III sec. d.C. Ma andiamo con ordine; Tecla fin da giovane consacra la sua vita e offre la sua verginità a Cristo, e infervorata dall'esempio della madre Isidora,che aveva suggellato col martirio la sua fede, si dedica ai più bisognosi e poveri della città, proteggendo i cristiani perseguitati dalla ferocia del preside romano Tertullo. L'opera della giovane non dovette durare molto, sopraggiunse infatti una malattia che la costrinse a letto paralizzata per sei lunghi anni. Accentando con serenità la volontà di Dio, si preparava ormai a morire, per poter incontrare così il suo Signore. Nel frattempo a Lentini, arrivarono in catene i tre giovani santi, Alfio Filadelfo e Cirino , a cui il preside romano Tertullo voleva far loro rinnegare la fede cristiana. Il cugino di Tecla, Alessandro, che era ministro di Tertullo informò di nascosto la cugina of the great wonders that the three saints had operated along the route from Rome to Lentini, and the young man asked, with a lot of faith to meet the three young men. The request was granted, in secret of course, Tecla prayed with them the good God and the three saints urged to have faith .. The miracle happened, the legs for six years had nailed to a bed to move back, Tecla walking and could return as a sign of gratitude to the three saints, all the nights began to visit the carcedo where they were locked up in secret, binding up their wounds after the torture endured, bringing them food and comfort of the mother. His loving service lasted until 10 May of 253 AD . when the principal Roman Tertullo, arresosi davanti alla grande fermezza di fede dei tre santi giovani, ordinò per loro la morte. Ad Alfio venne strappata la lingua, Filadelfo bruciato su una graticola, Cirino immerso in una caldaia di olio bollente.. I corpi senza vita vennero lasciati in una cisterna senz'acqua, nella notte Tecla, e otto suoi servi, prelevarono i santi resti e gli diede degna sepoltura in una grotta situata nel suo podere. Finite le persecuzioni contro i cristiani, la giovane Tecla eresse sopra le tombe dei tre Santi Martiri una grande chiesa, e un altra dedicata alla Vergine Maria; poi insieme al cugino Alessandro, che nel frattempo si era convertito radunò i cristiani dispersi riedificando la Chiesa di Lentini. Ma perchè la chiesa riprendesse vita occorreva the guidance of a pastor, Tecla wrote to the Bishop of Rome so that Lentini riavesse his bishop. Alexander, who after baptism had become a neophyte, he was consecrated bishop of Lentini, and began to bear the Lord's flock with zeal. To consecrate the basilica dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary was sent Everio, bishop of Catania. These, when he saw Thecla, who was prostrate at his feet, he said: "Rejoice, O Lady, you've consumed during the tests and have kept the faith, the martyrs rejoice friend, companion of the saints, who should serve in their lives and in their memory innalzasti temples. You are truly blessed because you have found peace, Christ the Lord. "
Tecla did not undergo the test of martyrdom, died peacefully on January 10th 264 AD Today the Church of Lentini remembers with love and respect. It 's a model for his docility and attachment to the Holy Church, the desire for unity with his brothers and his predilection for the needy and the persecuted. E 'model for us all because in every situation in life can give us all with a sincere and brotherly love.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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... new challenge!
Hello everyone and welcome back in this new year. I hope it started in the best way and that you reserve a pleasant surprise and a lot of scrap!
We Owls 4 we were quite taken recently and we had to leave out the blog, but now we are slowly recovering: basically this is a fun and must remain, so bear that deadlines sometimes take a back seat. ..
So returning to our challenges, inspirations ... the last is of November, saw the participation of one person or ( Simon, who has sent his e-mail LO
then ... send us your address and do not worry, sooner or later we get a little thought!
then ... send us your address and do not worry, sooner or later we get a little thought!
The challenge has been postponed to December to January and is attended by a guest designer The winner of our June
************ LIZZY *********
Here is his interpretation and explanation:
"It These create a page using a small drawing done by hand, pieces of wool and pieces of cloth ... the free agent, as well as the choice of colors, only the constraint of the two materials and hand-drawn ... "
The last constraint we put it ... we have no sponsor, the little thoughts that we send you is small change compared to the wonderful prizes on other blogs, but we make them with my heart ... so we decided to put the bond at least 4 participants to consider valid the challenge.
As usual, the winner will receive a little thought and will soon be the guest-designer of one of the challenges.
Deadline mid-February.
Deadline mid-February.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Pokemon Sony Ericsson Sound
We have seen his star ...
A Christmas is that God seeks man. Epiphany is the man who seeks God And it's all a sprout of signs: how to sign an angel, Mary, Joseph a dream, a Child in the manger, the shepherds, the Magi just a star, the Magi are enough of us. Even Herod has the sign: of travelers arriving from the East, the cradle of light, to find another king.
Because there is always a sign for everyone, even today. Often these are small signs, subdued, more often they are people that are epiphanies of goodness, the living embodiment of the Gospel, who have eyes and words like stars. Man is the star, "went the man and you will find God" (St. Augustine). Because God is the God of the books, but the meat that has come down.
How can we become readers of signs, and scribes under an empty sky?
The first step indicates the Isaiah: "Lift up your head and look." Life is bliss, going out by himself, looking up, out of the small perimeter of blood to the great tour of the stars, a thousand bars and behind which encloses the Narcissus is an illusion that is in me, towards the Other. Open the windows of the house to the great winds.
off on the road behind a star that walks. To find Christ must go, explore, set sail, travel with intelligence and heart. Search is already a bit 'to find, but finding Christ means to look again. "Going to start in the beginning, for new initiatives" (Gregory of Nyssa). However, going together, like the Magi: small community, loneliness already won, as their staring at the same time the depths of the sky and the eyes of the creatures.
Do not fear mistakes. It should be the infinite patience to start again, and again to question the Word and the star is not as a scribe, but as a child. Looks like a child? With a simple look and affectionate.
worship and giving. The most precious gift the Magi can offer is their own journey, almost two long years, the greatest gift is their long desire. God desires that we desire him.
"by another way they returned to their country." The road back home is new, the meeting now because you did again, "true seeker of God is only he who stumbles upon a star, trade incense and gold with a heart of a child laughing and trying new ways, you lose magic dust in the desert ... "(DMMontagna).
the solemnity of ' Epiphany of Our Lord, I propose a brief but rich homily of Father Herman Ronchi, because we know that all comments on the readings of Sunday, during the broadcast " In His Image. "
try to find the man God
A Christmas is that God seeks man. Epiphany is the man who seeks God And it's all a sprout of signs: how to sign an angel, Mary, Joseph a dream, a Child in the manger, the shepherds, the Magi just a star, the Magi are enough of us. Even Herod has the sign: of travelers arriving from the East, the cradle of light, to find another king.
Because there is always a sign for everyone, even today. Often these are small signs, subdued, more often they are people that are epiphanies of goodness, the living embodiment of the Gospel, who have eyes and words like stars. Man is the star, "went the man and you will find God" (St. Augustine). Because God is the God of the books, but the meat that has come down.
How can we become readers of signs, and scribes under an empty sky?
The first step indicates the Isaiah: "Lift up your head and look." Life is bliss, going out by himself, looking up, out of the small perimeter of blood to the great tour of the stars, a thousand bars and behind which encloses the Narcissus is an illusion that is in me, towards the Other. Open the windows of the house to the great winds.
off on the road behind a star that walks. To find Christ must go, explore, set sail, travel with intelligence and heart. Search is already a bit 'to find, but finding Christ means to look again. "Going to start in the beginning, for new initiatives" (Gregory of Nyssa). However, going together, like the Magi: small community, loneliness already won, as their staring at the same time the depths of the sky and the eyes of the creatures.
Do not fear mistakes. It should be the infinite patience to start again, and again to question the Word and the star is not as a scribe, but as a child. Looks like a child? With a simple look and affectionate.
worship and giving. The most precious gift the Magi can offer is their own journey, almost two long years, the greatest gift is their long desire. God desires that we desire him.
"by another way they returned to their country." The road back home is new, the meeting now because you did again, "true seeker of God is only he who stumbles upon a star, trade incense and gold with a heart of a child laughing and trying new ways, you lose magic dust in the desert ... "(DMMontagna).
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Sand Rail For Sale In Toronto
Prayer to the Infant Jesus Christ
the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Infant Jesus of Prague
Lord Jesus, we'll see
child and believe that you are the Son of God,
made man by the Spirit Holy
in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
how we in Bethlehem with Mary, Joseph, shepherds and angels
adore you and you recognize
our only Saviour.
You became poor to make us rich through your poverty:
grant us not to forget mai
dei poveri e di tutti coloro che soffrono.
Proteggi le nostre famiglie,
benedici tutti i bambini del mondo
e fa' che regni sempre tra noi
l'amore che tu ci hai portato
e che rende più felice la vita.
Dona a tutti, o Gesù,
di riconoscere la verità del tuo Natale
perché tutti sappiano
che tu sei venuto a portare
all'intera famiglia umana
la luce, la gioia e la pace.
Tu sei Dio, e vivi e regni con Dio Padre,
nell'unità dello Spirito Holy
for ever and ever.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Iron Tablets Dark Faeces How Long Out Of System
One Year ...
Dear friends and visitors of my blog, even if late, I offer you my best and sincere wishes for a Happy New Year to you and your families. As I wrote in the title of this post, which is one year for all of us with Christ, the giver of peace and light. In this holiday season we have been shaken by the violence against Christians, list the places and the victims does not help anything, the problem is one: the world still has not accepted Christ. Also told us the Gospel of John: was among his and his people received him not .. Yes dear friends, there is still a lot of work, to suffer, with tears irrigate the arid land where man tramples on the dignity of another man. Praying for peace must be the subject of this year, peace not only for Christians but for all religious denominations, so there are no bloody persecutions, the peace can be possible where there is Jesus Christ , that is true peace. I commend to you this way, in the hope that like me, fighting for a better world, pray that the good Lord watches over us in the faith to be a light for others, especially those who are in darkness.
conclude my greeting with prayer (very dear to me), with which St. Francis blessed his brother Brother Leo, turning from me to you this blessing:
The Lord bless you and keep you, monsters you see his face and have mercy on you.
talk to you his eyes and give you peace.
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