Thursday, December 30, 2010
Victoria's Secret Swimwear Sizing
Dec. 31: Te Deum Laudamus .. Thank you Lord. December 25, 2010
all the earth worships you.
angels sing thee to
and all the powers of heaven
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of
The heavens and earth are full of your glory.
glorious band of apostles
and white-robed army of martyrs;
unite the voices of the prophets praise you
the holy Church proclaims your glory, your only son adores
and the Holy Spirit Paraclete.
O Christ, King of glory,
eternal Son of the Father, you were born of the Virgin Mother
for the salvation of man.
Winner death
You opened to believers the kingdom of heaven.
You are seated at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father.
You will come to judge the world at the end of time.
o'er thy sons, O Lord,
you have redeemed with your precious blood.
Make them to your glory in the assembly of saints.
Save your people, Lord,
guide and protect your children.
Every day we bless you,
praise your name forever.
today Deign, Lord,
to keep us without sin.
always be with us Thy mercy:
have hoped in you.
mercy on us, Lord,
mercy on us.
You are our hope, we will not be confused
N or praise you, God
you proclaim the Lord.
O eternal Father, all the earth worships you.
angels sing thee to
and all the powers of heaven
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of
The heavens and earth are full of your glory.
glorious band of apostles
and white-robed army of martyrs;
unite the voices of the prophets praise you
the holy Church proclaims your glory, your only son adores
and the Holy Spirit Paraclete.
O Christ, King of glory,
eternal Son of the Father, you were born of the Virgin Mother
for the salvation of man.
Winner death
You opened to believers the kingdom of heaven.
You are seated at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father.
You will come to judge the world at the end of time.
o'er thy sons, O Lord,
you have redeemed with your precious blood.
Make them to your glory in the assembly of saints.
Save your people, Lord,
guide and protect your children.
Every day we bless you,
praise your name forever.
today Deign, Lord,
to keep us without sin.
always be with us Thy mercy:
have hoped in you.
mercy on us, Lord,
mercy on us.
You are our hope, we will not be confused
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Certificate Of Liability
To you dear friends and visitors of my blog, and your families I extend my deep and dear wish you a Merry Christmas and the Lord.
Light Baby Jesus always enlighten you and grant you peace.
Greetings ...
Friday, December 24, 2010
Funny Initiation Games
Reflections during the Novena of Christmas: Dec. 24.
"I announce a great joy ..."
"I announce a great joy ..."
The night in Bethlehem was shaken by an celeste annuncio, l'angelo del Signore porta ai pastori la notizia della nascita del Salvatore.
Mi colpisce l'atteggiamento dei pastori, sono stupiti, increduli, forse pensavano che stessero sognando, ma che fanno? Senza esitazione si mettono in cammino, alla ricerca della notizia ricevuta dal messaggero divino. L'imminente festività natalizia, suscita in me i sentimenti che furono dei pastori e che oggi devono essere di tutti noi, il "mettersi alla ricerca di Dio"...L'angelo di certo non gli avrà dato nè via, nè numero civico, gli ha rivelato però: "troverete un bambino avvolto in fasce, che giace in una mangiatoia". I pastori avranno fatto mille domande tra di loro, può il figlio God be laid in a manger? And why to us this ad?
simple, God is stripped of his divinity, and became man like us, poor and humble, to better understand our human nature. Does not choose nor palaces, nor comfort the uncomfortable .. but a manger in a barn. We too, therefore, we must be like the shepherds, who immediately set off, we go home to Betlemme.Dio does not hide, God invites us to set out and he will be found, but she needs our support for, the .. and our faith when we too will continue to see that baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, gifts's offer does not surface, our heart's offer rather , the most beautiful welcome gift to the Lord. It's up to us to renew today, the message of Christmas, a message of hope and peace. Two thousand years ago were the angels to bring good news, now it's up to us to be the new ads. Nothing is lost yet, Jesus wants to save everyone, but it needs real and credible witnesses, and we are called to this.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Yg Entertainment 2010 English Audition
..... ..... CJ
Ragazze buongiorno e buona domenica!!!! Prima di festeggiare il Natale proviamo a tornare sul difficile tema CJ! Vi prego di scrivermi nei commenti:
- quale cj avete voi;
- se ricordate quali dovete ancora fare;
- se sapete dov'è il vostro cj.
Se conoscete delle scrappers che non hanno l'abitudine di passare sul comò vi prego di passare parola....proviamoci e incrociamo tutte le dita!
1) Michy (AOSTA) Amiche scrapper http://palmiromiscrap.blogspot.com/
2) Erika (TORINO) I migliori giorni http://erites.blogspot.com/
3) Tobina - Chiara (MILANO) Libertà http://tobina.blogspot.com/
4) AntoIo (SVIZZERA) Trucchi scrap http://antoiosoloio.blogspot.com/
5) Bombamagagna (LECCO) Ciò che mi rende felice http://bombaeicicciottini.blogspot.com/
6) Sabrina (BERGAMO) http://schizziestrappi.blogspot.com/
7) Eleonora (BOLOGNA) http://le-certosine-at-work.blogspot.com/
8) Frangia (RIMINI) Parlami di te http://www.frangia76.blogspot.com/
9) Urania (SIENA) Profumi/Colori
10) Alessandra (PERUGIA) Colori/Canzoni http://www.alescrap.blogspot.com/
11) Lyllit (ROMA) Profumi http://caos-creativo.blogspot.com/
12) Emanuela (ROMA) Non posso fare a meno di... http://appuntiscrap.blogspot.com/
13) Mammamarilele - Alessandra (ROME) beautiful things http://mammamarilele.blogspot.com/
14) Melinda - Valentina (ROMA) Hand Made http://www.melindascrap.blogspot.com/
15) Irene (LATIN) Sweet salty o.. .. http://scrapedaltro.wordpress.com/
16) Cria (Frosinone) The alphabet of emotions http://tuttiicoloridicria.blogspot.com/
17) Aulore - Luisa (Chieti) The journey of dreams http://aulorescrap . wordpress.com /
18) Ross (Campobasso) Once upon a time http://arcobalenodiross.blogspot.com/
19) Holly (NAPLES) Taste of Italy http://panscrap.blogspot.com/
Thanks really thanks for all the patience that we are putting to finish this round infinito!!! Un abbraccio!
Ragazze buongiorno e buona domenica!!!! Prima di festeggiare il Natale proviamo a tornare sul difficile tema CJ! Vi prego di scrivermi nei commenti:
- quale cj avete voi;
- se ricordate quali dovete ancora fare;
- se sapete dov'è il vostro cj.
Se conoscete delle scrappers che non hanno l'abitudine di passare sul comò vi prego di passare parola....proviamoci e incrociamo tutte le dita!
1) Michy (AOSTA) Amiche scrapper http://palmiromiscrap.blogspot.com/
2) Erika (TORINO) I migliori giorni http://erites.blogspot.com/
3) Tobina - Chiara (MILANO) Libertà http://tobina.blogspot.com/
4) AntoIo (SVIZZERA) Trucchi scrap http://antoiosoloio.blogspot.com/
5) Bombamagagna (LECCO) Ciò che mi rende felice http://bombaeicicciottini.blogspot.com/
6) Sabrina (BERGAMO) http://schizziestrappi.blogspot.com/
7) Eleonora (BOLOGNA) http://le-certosine-at-work.blogspot.com/
8) Frangia (RIMINI) Parlami di te http://www.frangia76.blogspot.com/
9) Urania (SIENA) Profumi/Colori
10) Alessandra (PERUGIA) Colori/Canzoni http://www.alescrap.blogspot.com/
11) Lyllit (ROMA) Profumi http://caos-creativo.blogspot.com/
12) Emanuela (ROMA) Non posso fare a meno di... http://appuntiscrap.blogspot.com/
13) Mammamarilele - Alessandra (ROME) beautiful things http://mammamarilele.blogspot.com/
14) Melinda - Valentina (ROMA) Hand Made http://www.melindascrap.blogspot.com/
15) Irene (LATIN) Sweet salty o.. .. http://scrapedaltro.wordpress.com/
16) Cria (Frosinone) The alphabet of emotions http://tuttiicoloridicria.blogspot.com/
17) Aulore - Luisa (Chieti) The journey of dreams http://aulorescrap . wordpress.com /
18) Ross (Campobasso) Once upon a time http://arcobalenodiross.blogspot.com/
19) Holly (NAPLES) Taste of Italy http://panscrap.blogspot.com/
Thanks really thanks for all the patience that we are putting to finish this round infinito!!! Un abbraccio!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Snl Commercial About A Farts
Dear writers,
tend to become writers ... I remind you that the writing course , held by Liberal Laura and resumed regularly 9 next Thursday at 18:30 .
We look forward with enthusiasm and loads of homework done!
If, however, had never come before: it's the right time? A
Spritz Staff
Dear writers,
tend to become writers ... I remind you that the writing course , held by Liberal Laura and resumed regularly 9 next Thursday at 18:30 .
We look forward with enthusiasm and loads of homework done!
If, however, had never come before: it's the right time? A
Spritz Staff
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Blade Trinity, What Kind Of Bow
Dear all,
ricordo che il corso di scrittura questo giovedì non ci sarà (come da programma), ci si vede giovedì 9 dicembre. Il programma completo lo trovato nella pagina EVENTI di questo blog. Per chi fosse venuto a conoscenza tardi del corso: ci si può iscrivere in qualsiasi momento, anche ad una sola lezione (seppur siano consigliate almeno due di seguito), basta venire il giovedì alle 18:15, cioè poco prima dell'inizio della lezione.
Laura Liberale (la docente in causa) riscuote un grandissimo successo tra gli scriventi in erba e non, sarà per il suo andare al sodo, per la sua capacità di rispondere, quando non previene addirittura le domande dei presenti, sarà per la parte teorica molto esaustiva e per la pratica molto efficace.... sarà, è Laura: brava e carismatica!
Ad majora

Dear all,
ricordo che il corso di scrittura questo giovedì non ci sarà (come da programma), ci si vede giovedì 9 dicembre. Il programma completo lo trovato nella pagina EVENTI di questo blog. Per chi fosse venuto a conoscenza tardi del corso: ci si può iscrivere in qualsiasi momento, anche ad una sola lezione (seppur siano consigliate almeno due di seguito), basta venire il giovedì alle 18:15, cioè poco prima dell'inizio della lezione.
Laura Liberale (la docente in causa) riscuote un grandissimo successo tra gli scriventi in erba e non, sarà per il suo andare al sodo, per la sua capacità di rispondere, quando non previene addirittura le domande dei presenti, sarà per la parte teorica molto esaustiva e per la pratica molto efficace.... sarà, è Laura: brava e carismatica!
Ad majora
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Lion And The Horse Filefactory
no contest!
Large enterprise of the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno.
Parentopoli the Roman Alemanno and assumptions of wives and cubist
Large enterprise of the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno.
Parentopoli the Roman Alemanno and assumptions of wives and cubist
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Online Shopping Customers In India
Maroni going to come with me instead of mom Aldrovandi
below what we would have heard about during the transmission of Raitre Fazio Santoro and ...
Aldridge's mother: "That's what I told you come with me"
below what we would have heard about during the transmission of Raitre Fazio Santoro and ...
Aldridge's mother: "That's what I told you come with me"
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Why Does My Rabbit Run In Circles?
Ten thousand years in just a few kilometers
Near the great parks of Tanzania, between the Serengeti and Ngorongoro, and precisely in the Olduvai Gorge, was found the skeleton of the oldest hominid in the world. She was a woman and was called Lucy. A few miles from that site, a tribe, which is considered the most direct descendant of those hominids. This is the tribe of the Hadzabe.
The Hadzabe are Bushmen who live around the lake Eyasi, but the style of life of their primitive ancestors. Are hunters and gatherers. Do not breed any animals and not cultivating the land. They live only along the shores of the lake, moving from side to side whenever the area is too poor to meet their needs.
hunt with bow and arrows, decorated with feathers. Hannno variety of tips for their weapons. The simplest is a reed arrow pointed: to teach kids to archery and small game. Then they pointed increasingly large, up to one for large animals, which, in addition to being large, is also poisoned with the juice of a plant.
Their diet consists of any type of animal hunted, except snakes and hyenas. In their belief, snakes and hyenas are unclean animals, as they eat the bodies. For this reason, avoid hunting them and eating them.
Women, by contrast, provide food gathering berries and roots from the earth. Unfortunately, the area is absolutely full of vegetation. In August, during the dry season, plants are sparse and difficult issues.
A big problem is to get the ' water. Eyasi The lake is a salt lake and during the dry season dries up almost completely. The water then is collected mainly during the rains or derived from plants. Often the water they drink is clean and this exposes the most vulnerable to the risk of many serious diseases. During our visit, in fact, the more welcome gift than we could bring them were bottles of mineral water, that the children had been drunk with greed.
Even their language is unique: their language, perhaps the oldest in the world, is made of clicks, whistles and clicks.
Hadzabe During the night's sleep on a skin in the bushes, next to a fire lit by rotating a stick in his hands, just like 10,000 years ago.
If you need repairs, use of the caves, probably the same ones that have been used since prehistoric times. The number of Hadzabe
unfortunately is falling steadily, and today their population is about 1500 people. The land set aside for them around the lake is less and less and they are suffering from serious diseases, mainly due to their nutrition and clean water is not the raw meat.
meeting was for me a moment unique, an incredible opportunity to know a people, perhaps the last of the earth, who now lives as they lived 10,000 years ago.
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010 |
The Hadzabe are Bushmen who live around the lake Eyasi, but the style of life of their primitive ancestors. Are hunters and gatherers. Do not breed any animals and not cultivating the land. They live only along the shores of the lake, moving from side to side whenever the area is too poor to meet their needs.
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010 |
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010 |
Their diet consists of any type of animal hunted, except snakes and hyenas. In their belief, snakes and hyenas are unclean animals, as they eat the bodies. For this reason, avoid hunting them and eating them.
Women, by contrast, provide food gathering berries and roots from the earth. Unfortunately, the area is absolutely full of vegetation. In August, during the dry season, plants are sparse and difficult issues.
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010 |
A big problem is to get the ' water. Eyasi The lake is a salt lake and during the dry season dries up almost completely. The water then is collected mainly during the rains or derived from plants. Often the water they drink is clean and this exposes the most vulnerable to the risk of many serious diseases. During our visit, in fact, the more welcome gift than we could bring them were bottles of mineral water, that the children had been drunk with greed.
Even their language is unique: their language, perhaps the oldest in the world, is made of clicks, whistles and clicks.
Hadzabe During the night's sleep on a skin in the bushes, next to a fire lit by rotating a stick in his hands, just like 10,000 years ago.
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010 |
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010 |
If you need repairs, use of the caves, probably the same ones that have been used since prehistoric times. The number of Hadzabe
unfortunately is falling steadily, and today their population is about 1500 people. The land set aside for them around the lake is less and less and they are suffering from serious diseases, mainly due to their nutrition and clean water is not the raw meat.
meeting was for me a moment unique, an incredible opportunity to know a people, perhaps the last of the earth, who now lives as they lived 10,000 years ago.
| ||
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010 | |
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Quiero Fotos Hussyfan
Monday, November 15, 2010
Info Mjakmiloscodcinki Pl
Happy Monday to those who have a cj and who is not! :)
Ci riproviamo?? E' cambiato qualcosa?? Su, scrivetemi as we please with cj .... even if nothing has changed ok? Thanks.
Since the last update I had the answers
- Eleanor who has the cj Urania, Irene, and Ale Aulore ;
- Bombamagagna who writes to me in an e-mail:
" I do not have my cj and Antonella should have which is the last of "my" ride, BUT DO NOT KNOW IF IT 'BACK TO ALL! stayed here and those who are not able to do
- mammamarilele and Eleanor: which I held the pages, lyllit: of which I have taken measures and subject;
BUT I Miss You '(from memory): fringe, urania, alescrap and Emanuela.
If you give me the "Guidelines" (MEASURES, TEMA, rules, etc. .., and if they are "Add") I can send if CJ does not go over here. "
- Ok, then Anto- I wrote saying that he expects his cj and Tobin ..... it should have for others? tell me how it goes?
1) Michy (AOSTA) Amiche http://palmiromiscrap scrapper. blogspot.com /
2) Erika (TORINO) The best days http://erites.blogspot.com/
3) Tobin - Chiara (Milan) Freedom http://tobina.blogspot.com/
4) AntoIo (SWITZERLAND) Cheats scrap http://antoiosoloio.blogspot.com/
5) Bombamagagna (Lecco) What makes me happy http://bombaeicicciottini.blogspot.com/
6) Sabrina (BERGAMO) http://schizziestrappi.blogspot.com/
7) Eleanor (BOLOGNA) http://le -Carthusian-at-work.blogspot.com /
8) Fringe (RIMINI) Tell me about yourself http://www.frangia76.blogspot.com/
9) Urania (SIENA) Scents / Colors
10) Alessandra (PERUGIA) Colors / Songs http://www.alescrap.blogspot.com/
11) Lyllit (ROMA) Perfumes http://caos-creativo.blogspot.com/
12) Emily (ROMA) I can not help but .. . http://appuntiscrap.blogspot.com/
13) Mammamarilele - Alessandra (ROMA) beautiful things http://mammamarilele.blogspot.com/
14) Melinda - Valentina (ROMA) Hand Made http://www.melindascrap.blogspot.com/
15) Irene (LATIN) Sweet salty o. ... http://scrapedaltro.wordpress.com/
16) Cria (Frosinone) The alphabet of emotions http://tuttiicoloridicria.blogspot.com/
17) Aulore - Luisa (Chieti) The journey of dreams http://aulorescrap . wordpress.com /
18) Ross (Campobasso) Once upon a time http://arcobalenodiross.blogspot.com/
19) Holly (NAPLES) Taste of Italy http://panscrap.blogspot.com/
Thanks to everyone who can help me out .... a hug
Ci riproviamo?? E' cambiato qualcosa?? Su, scrivetemi as we please with cj .... even if nothing has changed ok? Thanks.
Since the last update I had the answers
- Eleanor who has the cj Urania, Irene, and Ale Aulore ;
- Bombamagagna who writes to me in an e-mail:
" I do not have my cj and Antonella should have which is the last of "my" ride, BUT DO NOT KNOW IF IT 'BACK TO ALL! stayed here and those who are not able to do
- mammamarilele and Eleanor: which I held the pages, lyllit: of which I have taken measures and subject;
BUT I Miss You '(from memory): fringe, urania, alescrap and Emanuela.
If you give me the "Guidelines" (MEASURES, TEMA, rules, etc. .., and if they are "Add") I can send if CJ does not go over here. "
- Ok, then Anto- I wrote saying that he expects his cj and Tobin ..... it should have for others? tell me how it goes?
1) Michy (AOSTA) Amiche http://palmiromiscrap scrapper. blogspot.com /
2) Erika (TORINO) The best days http://erites.blogspot.com/
3) Tobin - Chiara (Milan) Freedom http://tobina.blogspot.com/
4) AntoIo (SWITZERLAND) Cheats scrap http://antoiosoloio.blogspot.com/
5) Bombamagagna (Lecco) What makes me happy http://bombaeicicciottini.blogspot.com/
6) Sabrina (BERGAMO) http://schizziestrappi.blogspot.com/
7) Eleanor (BOLOGNA) http://le -Carthusian-at-work.blogspot.com /
8) Fringe (RIMINI) Tell me about yourself http://www.frangia76.blogspot.com/
9) Urania (SIENA) Scents / Colors
10) Alessandra (PERUGIA) Colors / Songs http://www.alescrap.blogspot.com/
11) Lyllit (ROMA) Perfumes http://caos-creativo.blogspot.com/
12) Emily (ROMA) I can not help but .. . http://appuntiscrap.blogspot.com/
13) Mammamarilele - Alessandra (ROMA) beautiful things http://mammamarilele.blogspot.com/
14) Melinda - Valentina (ROMA) Hand Made http://www.melindascrap.blogspot.com/
15) Irene (LATIN) Sweet salty o. ... http://scrapedaltro.wordpress.com/
16) Cria (Frosinone) The alphabet of emotions http://tuttiicoloridicria.blogspot.com/
17) Aulore - Luisa (Chieti) The journey of dreams http://aulorescrap . wordpress.com /
18) Ross (Campobasso) Once upon a time http://arcobalenodiross.blogspot.com/
19) Holly (NAPLES) Taste of Italy http://panscrap.blogspot.com/
Thanks to everyone who can help me out .... a hug
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Percentage Scale For Electronic Goods
Inverno appena iniziato. Voglia di tepore e di amicizia. Momento ideale per scrivere tranquilli in una stanza "tutta per noi". Pensieri che trovano un fulcro attorno al quale diventare idee concrete.
Tempo da investire per evolvere.
Eccoci: gli spritzati !
Sempre carichi e desiderosi di condividere la passione per la parola scritta.
Dalle nebbie umide e dense del Nord Est proponiamo:
- un' investigazione letteraria : scopri cosa contiene il baule di Fogazzaro ! (dettagli nella pagina dedicata)
A 100'anni dalla sua morte (7 marzo 1911) sarà aperto, come da lui richiesto, il baule che si trova presso la Biblioteca Bertoliana. Cosa avrà nascosto lo scrittore di tanto curioso da dover essere aperto solo 100'anni dopo? Scopritelo con noi, indagate nella sua vita privata, rileggete le sue opere, soprattutto le meno note e poi lasciate i vostri sospetti nel contenitore al Galla Caffè, che verrà aperto il giorno dopo il baule suddetto. Si rischia di vincere anche un weekend a Como, nei luoghi del Fogazzaro.
- Siamo riusciti ad organizzare un Laboratorio di Scrittura serio e ben strutturato, che partirà giovedì 18 novembre , e come docente: Laura Liberale .
To get into the game (and debate) with writing and, perhaps, turn the diary in the drawer for something more concrete, learning techniques to find their own expressive style.
(details in the EVENTS page )
- Do not lose your desire to play together ...
here is likely something ... win a book or a useful gadget, you will be willing?
Inverno appena iniziato. Voglia di tepore e di amicizia. Momento ideale per scrivere tranquilli in una stanza "tutta per noi". Pensieri che trovano un fulcro attorno al quale diventare idee concrete.
Tempo da investire per evolvere.
Eccoci: gli spritzati !
Sempre carichi e desiderosi di condividere la passione per la parola scritta.
Dalle nebbie umide e dense del Nord Est proponiamo:
- un' investigazione letteraria : scopri cosa contiene il baule di Fogazzaro ! (dettagli nella pagina dedicata)
A 100'anni dalla sua morte (7 marzo 1911) sarà aperto, come da lui richiesto, il baule che si trova presso la Biblioteca Bertoliana. Cosa avrà nascosto lo scrittore di tanto curioso da dover essere aperto solo 100'anni dopo? Scopritelo con noi, indagate nella sua vita privata, rileggete le sue opere, soprattutto le meno note e poi lasciate i vostri sospetti nel contenitore al Galla Caffè, che verrà aperto il giorno dopo il baule suddetto. Si rischia di vincere anche un weekend a Como, nei luoghi del Fogazzaro.
- Siamo riusciti ad organizzare un Laboratorio di Scrittura serio e ben strutturato, che partirà giovedì 18 novembre , e come docente: Laura Liberale .
To get into the game (and debate) with writing and, perhaps, turn the diary in the drawer for something more concrete, learning techniques to find their own expressive style.
(details in the EVENTS page )
- Do not lose your desire to play together ...
Sunday, November 14
at 17:30 Galla Coffee
at 17:30 Galla Coffee
here is likely something ... win a book or a useful gadget, you will be willing?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Ovladac Asus Drw-20b1lt
OMAGGIO A PASOLINI, a 35 anni dalla scomparsa
We apologize to those who may have ACCRUING UNNECESSARILY EVENT OF YESTERDAY, but because of the flooding, has been postponed ad oggi: stesso posto, stessa ora.
A questo grande autore del Novecento, scomparso trentacinque anni fa (proprio il 2 novembre), lo Spritz Letterario ha deciso di rendere omaggio con l'inaugurazione di una mostra a lui dedicata dal maestro Mario Albanese , con dipinti e disegni tratti dalla raccolta " L'angolo più buio dell'orto " (di cui riportiamo qui un disegno a matita grassa su carta preparata). Interverrà il critico letterario Marco Cavalli con una panoramica, a tratti inedita, delle opere cinematografiche e letterarie di Pasolini.
Vi aspettiamo per cogliere qualcosa di nuovo ed approfondire ciò che è noto dell'autore tra i più controversi and desecrating the last century.
Tuesday, November 2 18:30
Galla Coffee - First Floor
Piazza Castello 2 / A (VI) free admission

A questo grande autore del Novecento, scomparso trentacinque anni fa (proprio il 2 novembre), lo Spritz Letterario ha deciso di rendere omaggio con l'inaugurazione di una mostra a lui dedicata dal maestro Mario Albanese , con dipinti e disegni tratti dalla raccolta " L'angolo più buio dell'orto " (di cui riportiamo qui un disegno a matita grassa su carta preparata). Interverrà il critico letterario Marco Cavalli con una panoramica, a tratti inedita, delle opere cinematografiche e letterarie di Pasolini.
Vi aspettiamo per cogliere qualcosa di nuovo ed approfondire ciò che è noto dell'autore tra i più controversi and desecrating the last century.
Tuesday, November 2 18:30
Galla Coffee - First Floor
Piazza Castello 2 / A (VI) free admission
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Fake Blue Rose Petals
Tanzania, Serengeti National Park, August 2010
It's the first Once the dream when I came back from Africa.
What hurt me in the dream was the limited time: 10 days 10 days only. And those 10 days were blown away. As in a dream, precisely because it was a dream. Only ten days to breathe the dust of the savannah, see the giants of the earth cut the logs, smell the desert wind, stinging me from the cold of the highlands, to know different lives. Then, Africa fading in city full of black powder, anxious lives between concrete walls, faded behind tall windows behind the machine, inside a confined space at all unnatural.
And in my dream I could not believe that that was my normal. I lacked the space, the huge, vast space and wind that never stops and silences.
was a dream. Just a dream.
But that's how I felt leaving the Serengeti to return to "civilization." I wanted to go on, sleep still in my tent pccola planted the bush in the middle of nowhere, watching the stars shine in the darkness above my head, and to think that tomorrow, tomorrow, I would still be there.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Spider Solitare Installer
work in progress. We're staging
writing seminars for fans who want to improve written communication and / or know a little 'more, thanks to the work of Laura Liberal (writer), who is doing his best for all of us in research of writers of every genre, so range from the Italian thriller to noir, the narrative and script (useful especially for the dialogues and the creation of the characters). The draft program includes several sessions, distributed over time, at least 4 hours each. The seminars will be a limited access, to work better for a fee. If anyone is interested can come Halloween night (Oct. 31) at Galla Coffee, from 18:30 for the presentation of the book "Scars " by G. Morozzi (Published by Bloomsbury Publishing), after which, with Liberal Laura, we will introduce a program of seminars and collect the membership to create the various groups.

writing seminars for fans who want to improve written communication and / or know a little 'more, thanks to the work of Laura Liberal (writer), who is doing his best for all of us in research of writers of every genre, so range from the Italian thriller to noir, the narrative and script (useful especially for the dialogues and the creation of the characters). The draft program includes several sessions, distributed over time, at least 4 hours each. The seminars will be a limited access, to work better for a fee. If anyone is interested can come Halloween night (Oct. 31) at Galla Coffee, from 18:30 for the presentation of the book "Scars " by G. Morozzi (Published by Bloomsbury Publishing), after which, with Liberal Laura, we will introduce a program of seminars and collect the membership to create the various groups.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
11 Days Late For Period And White Cm
And this year has gone, we had a drink with the literature on Friday 27 autori: Laura Liberale ed Heman Zed, col quale abbiamo parlato del suo ultimo libro " Dreams'n'Drums " (Ed. Il Maestrale) e di ciò che ruota attorno al mondo dei libri, dell'editoria e di come nasce l'idea di scrivere una storia. Heman ci ha parlato anche della farsa , come modo di raccontare la realtà da parte dei buffoni di corte. Due chiacchiere molto costruttive, anche in vista dei progetti da realizzare insieme (seminari di scrittura di ogni genere).
Domenica 29 ci siamo cimentati nel trivial letterario in piazza dei Signori, gli Alfa-privativi contro i Beta-bloccanti. Di pochissimo ha vinto la squadra A, direi soprattutto per questione di fortuna nelle domande semplici (o no?). Preparati entrambi i gruppi, che molto numerosi, hanno mostrato un entusiasmo inaspettato.
Durante tutti e tre i giorni del festival era attivo il nostro banchetto ai Chiostri di Santa Corona, dove gli spritzati si sono turnati e prodigati al meglio per far conoscere il gruppo. Abbiamo consigliato libri attraverso brevi recensioni stampate, da poter consegnare ai visitatori che hanno gradito l'iniziativa.
Il bilancio pare proprio positivo e ancora una volta il gruppo ha dimostrato una coesione di cui andar fieri. Grazie a tutti per l'entusiasmo ed il tempo prezioso.
In foto: Marco Cavalli, direttore artistico di Libriamo.

And this year has gone, we had a drink with the literature on Friday 27 autori: Laura Liberale ed Heman Zed, col quale abbiamo parlato del suo ultimo libro " Dreams'n'Drums " (Ed. Il Maestrale) e di ciò che ruota attorno al mondo dei libri, dell'editoria e di come nasce l'idea di scrivere una storia. Heman ci ha parlato anche della farsa , come modo di raccontare la realtà da parte dei buffoni di corte. Due chiacchiere molto costruttive, anche in vista dei progetti da realizzare insieme (seminari di scrittura di ogni genere).
Domenica 29 ci siamo cimentati nel trivial letterario in piazza dei Signori, gli Alfa-privativi contro i Beta-bloccanti. Di pochissimo ha vinto la squadra A, direi soprattutto per questione di fortuna nelle domande semplici (o no?). Preparati entrambi i gruppi, che molto numerosi, hanno mostrato un entusiasmo inaspettato.
Durante tutti e tre i giorni del festival era attivo il nostro banchetto ai Chiostri di Santa Corona, dove gli spritzati si sono turnati e prodigati al meglio per far conoscere il gruppo. Abbiamo consigliato libri attraverso brevi recensioni stampate, da poter consegnare ai visitatori che hanno gradito l'iniziativa.
Il bilancio pare proprio positivo e ancora una volta il gruppo ha dimostrato una coesione di cui andar fieri. Grazie a tutti per l'entusiasmo ed il tempo prezioso.
In foto: Marco Cavalli, direttore artistico di Libriamo.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Blackberry Services On Vodafone Prepaid Account
Cari tutti,
spritzati e futuri tali, a breve il calendario degli incontri di settembre.
Il gruppo, in questo mese, si vedrà impegnato nelle votazioni dei racconti e nel lavoro di editing relativo alla prossima pubblicazione. Ringrazio tutti per l'impegno e la passione profusi per Libriamo.
A prestissimo con le newz.
Buon tempo

Cari tutti,
spritzati e futuri tali, a breve il calendario degli incontri di settembre.
Il gruppo, in questo mese, si vedrà impegnato nelle votazioni dei racconti e nel lavoro di editing relativo alla prossima pubblicazione. Ringrazio tutti per l'impegno e la passione profusi per Libriamo.
A prestissimo con le newz.
Buon tempo
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Stream Episodes Of Bible Black
Al banchetto di Libriamo (Vicenza, Chiostri S. Corona dal 27 al 29 agosto) offriamo queste proposte di lettura, attraverso delle brevi recensioni, e contestualmente la possibilità di acquistare i libri presso il nostro banchetto:
Romanzo psicologico on pain of a mother and a family for the loss of a child. Novel about the love of a husband who spends all of himself to save his wife from the dark abyss of pain. Once proof of great intensity, structured according to the canons of literary art older, the tragedy. A story with poetic that enters the heart with surprising delicacy.
passion bursts into the quiet life of a mathematics professor of Greek at a university in Sweden. It 's a forbidden passion for the wife of his friend, a situation that forces him to question the meaning of basic life choices, and relationships crumble and all seems lost. A trip to paradise should be achieved. Each step makes us into the heart of the protagonist and reveals the sincere search for the freedom to experience the movements of the soul.
JOYCE CAROL OATES, a good girl, Bompiani
a sensitive issue, the friendship between an elderly artist and a young girl of sixteen, from a family devastated. She finds him in the care and affection that has never had parents. He falls in love with its freshness and in Serbia a great project that anyone can imagine. But ... as always, the crowds out there with Oates twists and an ending worthy of the greatest mystery writers. Yet it is not a detective story. This is a survey disturbing and surprising hidden motivations that dwell in the human onset and end of life.
Al banchetto di Libriamo (Vicenza, Chiostri S. Corona dal 27 al 29 agosto) offriamo queste proposte di lettura, attraverso delle brevi recensioni, e contestualmente la possibilità di acquistare i libri presso il nostro banchetto:
Romanzo psicologico on pain of a mother and a family for the loss of a child. Novel about the love of a husband who spends all of himself to save his wife from the dark abyss of pain. Once proof of great intensity, structured according to the canons of literary art older, the tragedy. A story with poetic that enters the heart with surprising delicacy.
passion bursts into the quiet life of a mathematics professor of Greek at a university in Sweden. It 's a forbidden passion for the wife of his friend, a situation that forces him to question the meaning of basic life choices, and relationships crumble and all seems lost. A trip to paradise should be achieved. Each step makes us into the heart of the protagonist and reveals the sincere search for the freedom to experience the movements of the soul.
JOYCE CAROL OATES, a good girl, Bompiani
a sensitive issue, the friendship between an elderly artist and a young girl of sixteen, from a family devastated. She finds him in the care and affection that has never had parents. He falls in love with its freshness and in Serbia a great project that anyone can imagine. But ... as always, the crowds out there with Oates twists and an ending worthy of the greatest mystery writers. Yet it is not a detective story. This is a survey disturbing and surprising hidden motivations that dwell in the human onset and end of life.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Phrases For First Birthday
This year we will be there in three days of books, Cloisters of Santa Corona in Vicenza, August 27 to 29.
What's on the menu proposed by Spritz Literature?
Soon said
-feast to the cloisters from 16:00 onwards for all three days, to know the spritz and browse through books that encourage reading during this period;
-Friday from 18:30 27 the Galla Coffee "aperitivo a tutto libro", per farsi uno spritz con scrittori e parlare con loro dei libri a tutto tondo;
-domenica 29 dalle 17:30 in Piazza dei Signori... TORNEO DI TRIVIAL LETTERARIO! Due squadre si sfideranno su titoli, autori e ciò che riguarda la letteratura in genere. Aperto a tutti. Venite numerosi a mettetevi alla prova, al massimo rischiate di vincere un libro!
Libri-amo anche noi... da due anni, e tu?
info programma manifestazione: www.libriamo-vicenza.com
This year we will be there in three days of books, Cloisters of Santa Corona in Vicenza, August 27 to 29.
What's on the menu proposed by Spritz Literature?
Soon said
-feast to the cloisters from 16:00 onwards for all three days, to know the spritz and browse through books that encourage reading during this period;
-Friday from 18:30 27 the Galla Coffee "aperitivo a tutto libro", per farsi uno spritz con scrittori e parlare con loro dei libri a tutto tondo;
-domenica 29 dalle 17:30 in Piazza dei Signori... TORNEO DI TRIVIAL LETTERARIO! Due squadre si sfideranno su titoli, autori e ciò che riguarda la letteratura in genere. Aperto a tutti. Venite numerosi a mettetevi alla prova, al massimo rischiate di vincere un libro!
Libri-amo anche noi... da due anni, e tu?
info programma manifestazione: www.libriamo-vicenza.com
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