Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fake Blue Rose Petals

Tanzania, Serengeti National Park, August 2010

It's the first Once the dream when I came back from Africa.
What hurt me in the dream was the limited time: 10 days 10 days only. And those 10 days were blown away. As in a dream, precisely because it was a dream. Only ten days to breathe the dust of the savannah, see the giants of the earth cut the logs, smell the desert wind, stinging me from the cold of the highlands, to know different lives. Then, Africa fading in city full of black powder, anxious lives between concrete walls, faded behind tall windows behind the machine, inside a confined space at all unnatural.
And in my dream I could not believe that that was my normal. I lacked the space, the huge, vast space and wind that never stops and silences.
was a dream. Just a dream.
But that's how I felt leaving the Serengeti to return to "civilization." I wanted to go on, sleep still in my tent pccola planted the bush in the middle of nowhere, watching the stars shine in the darkness above my head, and to think that tomorrow, tomorrow, I would still be there.


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