Friday, December 24, 2010

Funny Initiation Games

Reflections during the Novena of Christmas: Dec. 24.

"I announce a great joy ..."
The night in Bethlehem was shaken by an celeste annuncio, l'angelo del Signore porta ai pastori la notizia della nascita del Salvatore.
Mi colpisce l'atteggiamento dei pastori, sono stupiti, increduli, forse pensavano che stessero sognando, ma che fanno? Senza esitazione si mettono in cammino, alla ricerca della notizia ricevuta dal messaggero divino. L'imminente festività natalizia, suscita in me i sentimenti che furono dei pastori e che oggi devono essere di tutti noi, il "mettersi alla ricerca di Dio"...L'angelo di certo non gli avrà dato nè via, nè numero civico, gli ha rivelato però: "troverete un bambino avvolto in fasce, che giace in una mangiatoia". I pastori avranno fatto mille domande tra di loro, può il figlio God be laid in a manger? And why to us this ad?
simple, God is stripped of his divinity, and became man like us, poor and humble, to better understand our human nature. Does not choose nor palaces, nor comfort the uncomfortable .. but a manger in a barn. We too, therefore, we must be like the shepherds, who immediately set off, we go home to Betlemme.Dio does not hide, God invites us to set out and he will be found, but she needs our support for, the .. and our faith when we too will continue to see that baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, gifts's offer does not surface, our heart's offer rather , the most beautiful welcome gift to the Lord. It's up to us to renew today, the message of Christmas, a message of hope and peace. Two thousand years ago were the angels to bring good news, now it's up to us to be the new ads. Nothing is lost yet, Jesus wants to save everyone, but it needs real and credible witnesses, and we are called to this.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus


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