Burma, Mandalay, in the little house of mustaches Brothers, in August 2007
morning Aung San Suu Kyi has been arrested again. Daughter of General Aung San, considered the liberator of Burma from British rule, the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, founder and leader of the National League for Democracy party inspired by the principles of nonviolence and respect for human rights, Aung San Suu Kyi has lived and studied in India and England. In 1988, he decided to return to Myanmar to care for her mother in very poor health, but was immediately put under house arrest by the granting of freedom if he agreed to leave his country. Aung San Suu Kyi refused, knowing that if he accepted, would never be able to return.
As a result of popular movements of 1988, the military junta decided to hold general elections, which took place in 1990. Aung San Suu Kyi won overwhelmingly, so that was to become Prime Minister of Burma. But of course the Government would never have been able to allow, and in fact, a coup, took power over Myanmar, nullifying the election results and setting new Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest.
In 1995, the arrests were dismissed, but she remained in a state of semi-freedom, without being able to leave the country without seeing his family. She was not even allowed to return from her husband when they were diagnosed with cancer, because if he had left the country would not have been granted a visa to return. Her husband died two years later.
In 2003, aboard a convoy with many activists of the League, suffered an attack. Many people died, but she managed to escape. However, it was once again arrested and time under house arrest. Since then, arrests have been continuing until today, despite international pressure and the hopes of his release that she had circulated in the aftermath of October 2007 uprising.
seemed that Aung San Suu Kyi would be freed soon, but today the news of his re-arrest because, apparently, the violation of house arrest for having hosted an American who would reach his home by swimming across the small lake on which stands the house in Rangoon.
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