Firenze, Papavero, maggio 2009
La mia nonna aveva una passione per i fiori. Quando ancora abitava in città, in un palazzo anonimo, davanti alla sua bottega, il suo piccolo terrazzo era l'unica macchia di colore in tutta la strada. Riusciva a farci get everything in those two miserable square feet of space and all bloomed profusely.
When my grandparents left the shop, came to live with us, in a small apartment next to ours, but with a huge garden around. It was then that my grandmother was expressed to the fullest. Under her care grew and grew the most beautiful azaleas and rhododendrons blooming longer. The pots were always filled with colorful flowers and roses bloom from May to October. He had a space for diseased plants, where the cured, where planted in small pots, where he put the cuttings to make roots. There were always bottles of dark glass with sprigs of oleander in, put into water to root, and camellias, they loved the shadow, there were cared for.
There was no time of day that I could find to remove the dead leaves, weeding, remove faded flowers.
And following her I learned the names of plants, counting the nodes of the branches to find the point where it should be pruned to distinguish the desired land for this or that type of plant.
Florence, displays of flowers, poppies in bloom, in May 2009
When I was little, she would take me every year at the Flower Show, held in Florence from 25 April to 1 May. It was once held in Piazza della Signoria and I still remember that made me choose an annual plan for myself. Once I chose pink and white azalea, then was the turn of the Black Rose, Daisy, Rhododendron cream.
Then she grew up and whitewashed. So it was that the parties were reversed and I was to bring the exhibition, in the meantime had moved in Piazza SS. Annunziata, and then to the Parterre. For her it was a party bigger than Christmas.
then, I never stopped going, even when she is no longer able to come. And then he left us. Only
transfer to Camogli I finally stopped that appointment, but I felt a touch of nostalgia each year, when he arrived April 25.
This year, for a fortunate coincidence, they are able to return. Now the show is held at Horticultural Gardens for several years, in a beautiful park. Girare di nuovo tra quei petali, quei colori, quei profumi, mi ha emozionato più di quanto potessi pensare. Mi sentivo felice, come da bambina, accanto a lei.
Firenze, mostra dei Fiori, maggio 2009
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