Saturday, May 15, 2010
Read Novels Online For Free
My poor abandoned blog! The time is short and I can never write what I want to tell.
Let's go back to Toraja because in fact I have not said anything of the amazing funeral. Let
Lemo we head into the car to the place where the funeral ceremony is held Luter, our guide, has promised to show us. This is a great ceremony, the ceremony of a wealthy family, so we expect something great. Along the way, Luther tells us how we should behave. To the family of the deceased must bring a gift. He thought he buys us a pack of cigarettes. When we arrived we present him to the head of the family and then go into a hut that will be shown. We can not get out of there, until a family member there will welcome you. Then we go where we want and shoot all the photos.
The car climbs painfully up the slope of a mountain. Leaving the road take the path through the rice fields and then to the forest. Around us there are plants of cocoa and coffee. the road becomes increasingly difficult. It seems not to be no: only the forest and a few houses scattered here and there. Luther seems sure where we're going, but we are a little less does not seem to get anywhere. At one point, a broken machine there blocking the entrance. It 'a machine that could not get ... and we must try to go on foot. I feel like a hair in despair: we're really in anything! But then the road is clear and our powerful means reaches us.
We still carries on for quite a while and then we stopped wing end of a path in the woods. A few feet away you open a circular clearing, surrounded by piles. At the center is a tower with three floors, decorated with red drapes. Atop the tower there is the coffin of the deceased, it is a woman died about 13 years ago. The coffin is wrapped in a red cloth. Below are some older women and girls. At the base of the tower there are family members. They are dressed in their traditional costumes. The Umin are dressed in black, the women wear the traditional ornaments of colored beads, especially orange, typical of these places.
Until now, the spirit of the deceased has been cn the family as if she were not dead yet. For this reason, the relatives brought food and clothes. The funeral service will be free spirit and she will truly be dead. It 's time that the children cry and to make the ritual to cleanse the spirit and allow it to start a new life.
as Luther told us, just got a family to us. We offer him cigarettes and he makes us sit under one of the piles. Meanwhile, we wait and friendship with the children who remained there to play. Finally, the relative of the deceased back and offer us tea and cakes. It 's the sign that we were welcomed and that after having eaten and drunk, we will be free to move around.
These ceremonies last for 3-4 days and is attended by many people who came from nearby villages and all their relatives and relatives of the bereaved. When they arrive in the clearing, processions are held around the tower, in which all men, dressed in black, bringing the gifts to the family, often pigs, still alive and screaming, tied by the legs to bamboo poles.
Outside the circle of piles, the pigs will be slaughtered, gutted and cooked in long pezi bamboo together with rice. This will provide lunch for all the guests. The meat remained, however, will be distributed among the clans of all participants. This is
we attend the second day of the ceremony. In the first, the body was carried from the house to the tower. It is an intimate moment which does not participate other than the family.
the second day, the family receives aspiti. On the third day are slaughtered buffaloes that were offered to the family or bought from the same family for the occasion. According to Luther, were slaughtered for the ceremony about 60 buffalos. Not all there, though. Some were sent directly to the villages of relatives and there would have been killed. The meat was dried and was distributed to the village. On the fourth day, the coffin was closed in the grave, like those seen in Lemo.
At some point, many pigs are brought to the center of the clearing.
All around people form a very wide circle and start singing. Holding hands and the rhythm of their voices move in sync. They are called the dancers for the celebration. From within the circle distribute some guys cigarettes.
Meanwhile, the long bamboo canes are roasted on the fire and gradually women take them, break them and extract the pork and rice. In the shade of tents, food is distributed to all guests. We will do without: the pork semi does not look very appetizing ...
At this point we depart. The day we still have a great experience: we will participate in the burial of the corpse on top of a high rock.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Volunteeringin A Nursing Home
Da che mi occupo di libri, scrittura, recensioni e presentazioni vengo contattata da sedicenti scrittori che mi omaggiano del loro libro . Ma dico: un po' di rispetto per il tempo altrui?
C'è molta, troppa gente che scrive, pochissimi scrittori veri e una marea che vuole a tutti i costi definirsi tale. Perchè? Protagonismo puro.
L'acqua calda l'hanno già inventata, le storie d'amore modello "diario nel cassetto" hanno stancato. Perchè la gente scrive senza leggere? E' il primo dovere per provare poi a scrivere qualcosa. C'è la lista della spesa sulla quale molti potrebbero sfogarsi, ma non si chiamino scrittori! Poi con gli editori a pagamento la frittata è fatta.
Mi dicono " ho pubblicato un nuovo libro " rispondo " con chi? ", et voilà: a pagamento . Le case editrici serie pubblicano dopo selezioni, che a pagamento ovviamente non si hanno.
Un po' di serietà, autoironia e consapevolezza dei propri limiti.
Raccolte di racconti tutti uguali, poesie noiose che chiamarle tali è una bestemmia, gente che non ha idea di cosa sia una metafora, la scorrevolezza di un testo. C'è crisi, ma datevi all'ippica che è meglio. Chi scrive per dire al mondo quanto soffre dovrebbe guardarsi attorno e chiedersi a chi potrebbe interested?
There is a category that is called " writers, they belong to members of the Literary Spritz. They write with passion, accept advice, purging the texts of heavy unnecessary adjectives, called into question and try to improve rewriting their songs several times. Read and follow the writing and its rules:
No. 1 - humility.
this article is also found on Paperblog .
C'è molta, troppa gente che scrive, pochissimi scrittori veri e una marea che vuole a tutti i costi definirsi tale. Perchè? Protagonismo puro.
L'acqua calda l'hanno già inventata, le storie d'amore modello "diario nel cassetto" hanno stancato. Perchè la gente scrive senza leggere? E' il primo dovere per provare poi a scrivere qualcosa. C'è la lista della spesa sulla quale molti potrebbero sfogarsi, ma non si chiamino scrittori! Poi con gli editori a pagamento la frittata è fatta.
Un po' di serietà, autoironia e consapevolezza dei propri limiti.
Raccolte di racconti tutti uguali, poesie noiose che chiamarle tali è una bestemmia, gente che non ha idea di cosa sia una metafora, la scorrevolezza di un testo. C'è crisi, ma datevi all'ippica che è meglio. Chi scrive per dire al mondo quanto soffre dovrebbe guardarsi attorno e chiedersi a chi potrebbe interested?
There is a category that is called " writers, they belong to members of the Literary Spritz. They write with passion, accept advice, purging the texts of heavy unnecessary adjectives, called into question and try to improve rewriting their songs several times. Read and follow the writing and its rules:
No. 1 - humility.
this article is also found on Paperblog .
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Small Amount Mini Blenders
Click on the picture to enter direttamente al sito del Salone del Libro di Torino.
Che cosa è per noi, oggi, la memoria? Come la pensiamo, come la utilizziamo? La scelta della memoria come motivo conduttore del Salone 2010 nasce dalla constatazione di un paradosso: proprio nel momento in cui, grazie alle nuove tecnologie, possiamo disporre di sterminate banche dati, tanto vaste come da sfidare la nostra stessa immaginazione e capacità di gestione, ci siamo accorti che il nostro rapporto con il passato si è fatto distratto, intermittente, quasi infastidito.
Il mondo sembra appiattirsi su un presente superficiale e nevrotico, incapace di fare realmente terms with its history, even to be interested. The memory ends up becoming a general nostalgia, regret, longing retro, post-modernist tricks.
Meanwhile, the fate of democracy seems to be related to the increasingly pervasive and widespread control of a Big Brother who knows everything about us, our consumption, our identity and makes it obsolete even the most gloomy prophecies of George Orwell. Yet the ability to encode and transmit the memory, that the experience gained has been a decisive factor in the evolution of human societies, that we were able to develop their own when they began to hand down to coming generations the testimony of its esperienze.
Se fino a Gutenberg sapere a memoria era sinonimo di sapere tout court, con la rivoluzione della stampa le ingegnose tecniche classiche di memorizzazione, costruite sull’immagine di un teatro, perdono importanza. Nell’Ottocento si afferma l’uso politico della memoria che mira a consolidare l’identità collettiva e per questo crea feste ed eroi nazionali, come in Francia Giovanna d’Arco. Nasce «l’invenzione della tradizione». La memoria assume un ruolo centrale in psicoanalisi e nella biologia, attraverso le mappature del Dna; con Proust si afferma come il motore primo della narrazione. Torna a riproporsi più forte che mai la questione del delicato rapporto fra tradizione e innovazione: che cosa conservare e cosa buttare?
Sono questi alcuni dei temi, all’incrocio fra scienza, storia, letteratura, arti, che saranno al centro degli incontri e dei dibattiti del Salone 2010, a partire dalle lectio magistralis di Gianfranco Ravasi sulle religioni del ricordo («Fate questo in memoria di me»), di Mario Botta sul delicato rapporto dialettico che l’architettura intrattiene con il passato e di registi come Giuseppe Tornatore (Ba’aria) e il francese Claude Lanzmann, autore del monumentale docu-film sulla Shoah, ma anche della travolgente autobiografia La lepre della Patagonia, sull’uso cinematografico e letterario della memoria. Sul medesimo tema anche il dialogo tra Pupi Avati e Andrea Vitali.
Si partirà con le neuroscienze. Edoardo Boncinelli, un biologo che ha rivelato ottime capacità divulgative, dialogherà con il neurochirurgo Arnaldo Benini su quell’hardware che nel nostro cervello gestisce la memorizzazione del vissuto. Della funzione primaria che la memoria ha nella psicoanalisi discutono il freudiano Roberto Speziale Bagliacca e lo junghiano Luigi Zoja. Luciano Canfora dedica una lectio magistralis all’invenzione della memoria nell’età di Pericle, mentre Valerio M. Manfredi ricostruisce il favoloso intreccio di leggende e di miti che si è andato tessendo intorno alla tomba di Alessandro.
Del «delirio della lista», la vertigine di catalogazione ed elencazione dell’esistente, by which man tries to exorcise the failure time and the limits of their memory skills, but also the necessity of oblivion, speak Umberto Eco and the philosopher Maurizio Ferraris, with the semiotics Patrizia Violi. The meeting entitled The Future of memory.
How the signs of memory can support an "educational challenge" now more than ever necessary, but also more difficult? This is the theme of the keynote address by HE Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference. Already
Primo Levi reminded us that personal memory is subjected to stringent testing, because it tends to alter, embellish, "Rewrite" itself continuously. Just to Levi and his reflections on the case and fortune in the Lager is a dedicated English conversation italianity Robert Gordon, the writer of Turin is one of the sharpest students in dialogue with Domenico Scarpa. The relationship between history and memory is the subject of the keynote by Giovanni De Luna. How does personal memory can be shared reconstruction of the past? It discusses the same Benedetta Tobagi De Luna, who with his book has been able to take this path. A somewhat similar way, the document to the reinvention of literature, is to illustrate that two Italian masters of historical fiction, Alessandro Barbero and Melania Mazzucco.
But in the twentieth century who have gathered on tragedies with which we can not stop doing the math. Thus, the Shoah, which brings with it the difficulty of saying the unspeakable (books Enrico Donaggio, Diego de Matteis, Carlo Guzzi, or Helga Schneider's book, The cabin of the sad pleasures. The forced sex as a strategy of Nazism ). Or the dangerous relationship between culture and literary culture of the race in Italy in the twentieth century (we speak Polish historian Bronislaw Back, Luciano Canfora and Carlo Ossola). While Francis Catalucci chasing the ghosts of the great Central European culture, which was destroyed first by Nazism and then Stalinism.

Che cosa è per noi, oggi, la memoria? Come la pensiamo, come la utilizziamo? La scelta della memoria come motivo conduttore del Salone 2010 nasce dalla constatazione di un paradosso: proprio nel momento in cui, grazie alle nuove tecnologie, possiamo disporre di sterminate banche dati, tanto vaste come da sfidare la nostra stessa immaginazione e capacità di gestione, ci siamo accorti che il nostro rapporto con il passato si è fatto distratto, intermittente, quasi infastidito.
Il mondo sembra appiattirsi su un presente superficiale e nevrotico, incapace di fare realmente terms with its history, even to be interested. The memory ends up becoming a general nostalgia, regret, longing retro, post-modernist tricks.
Meanwhile, the fate of democracy seems to be related to the increasingly pervasive and widespread control of a Big Brother who knows everything about us, our consumption, our identity and makes it obsolete even the most gloomy prophecies of George Orwell. Yet the ability to encode and transmit the memory, that the experience gained has been a decisive factor in the evolution of human societies, that we were able to develop their own when they began to hand down to coming generations the testimony of its esperienze.
Se fino a Gutenberg sapere a memoria era sinonimo di sapere tout court, con la rivoluzione della stampa le ingegnose tecniche classiche di memorizzazione, costruite sull’immagine di un teatro, perdono importanza. Nell’Ottocento si afferma l’uso politico della memoria che mira a consolidare l’identità collettiva e per questo crea feste ed eroi nazionali, come in Francia Giovanna d’Arco. Nasce «l’invenzione della tradizione». La memoria assume un ruolo centrale in psicoanalisi e nella biologia, attraverso le mappature del Dna; con Proust si afferma come il motore primo della narrazione. Torna a riproporsi più forte che mai la questione del delicato rapporto fra tradizione e innovazione: che cosa conservare e cosa buttare?
Sono questi alcuni dei temi, all’incrocio fra scienza, storia, letteratura, arti, che saranno al centro degli incontri e dei dibattiti del Salone 2010, a partire dalle lectio magistralis di Gianfranco Ravasi sulle religioni del ricordo («Fate questo in memoria di me»), di Mario Botta sul delicato rapporto dialettico che l’architettura intrattiene con il passato e di registi come Giuseppe Tornatore (Ba’aria) e il francese Claude Lanzmann, autore del monumentale docu-film sulla Shoah, ma anche della travolgente autobiografia La lepre della Patagonia, sull’uso cinematografico e letterario della memoria. Sul medesimo tema anche il dialogo tra Pupi Avati e Andrea Vitali.
Si partirà con le neuroscienze. Edoardo Boncinelli, un biologo che ha rivelato ottime capacità divulgative, dialogherà con il neurochirurgo Arnaldo Benini su quell’hardware che nel nostro cervello gestisce la memorizzazione del vissuto. Della funzione primaria che la memoria ha nella psicoanalisi discutono il freudiano Roberto Speziale Bagliacca e lo junghiano Luigi Zoja. Luciano Canfora dedica una lectio magistralis all’invenzione della memoria nell’età di Pericle, mentre Valerio M. Manfredi ricostruisce il favoloso intreccio di leggende e di miti che si è andato tessendo intorno alla tomba di Alessandro.
Del «delirio della lista», la vertigine di catalogazione ed elencazione dell’esistente, by which man tries to exorcise the failure time and the limits of their memory skills, but also the necessity of oblivion, speak Umberto Eco and the philosopher Maurizio Ferraris, with the semiotics Patrizia Violi. The meeting entitled The Future of memory.
How the signs of memory can support an "educational challenge" now more than ever necessary, but also more difficult? This is the theme of the keynote address by HE Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference. Already
Primo Levi reminded us that personal memory is subjected to stringent testing, because it tends to alter, embellish, "Rewrite" itself continuously. Just to Levi and his reflections on the case and fortune in the Lager is a dedicated English conversation italianity Robert Gordon, the writer of Turin is one of the sharpest students in dialogue with Domenico Scarpa. The relationship between history and memory is the subject of the keynote by Giovanni De Luna. How does personal memory can be shared reconstruction of the past? It discusses the same Benedetta Tobagi De Luna, who with his book has been able to take this path. A somewhat similar way, the document to the reinvention of literature, is to illustrate that two Italian masters of historical fiction, Alessandro Barbero and Melania Mazzucco.
But in the twentieth century who have gathered on tragedies with which we can not stop doing the math. Thus, the Shoah, which brings with it the difficulty of saying the unspeakable (books Enrico Donaggio, Diego de Matteis, Carlo Guzzi, or Helga Schneider's book, The cabin of the sad pleasures. The forced sex as a strategy of Nazism ). Or the dangerous relationship between culture and literary culture of the race in Italy in the twentieth century (we speak Polish historian Bronislaw Back, Luciano Canfora and Carlo Ossola). While Francis Catalucci chasing the ghosts of the great Central European culture, which was destroyed first by Nazism and then Stalinism.
(from the website of the Salone del Libro)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Bariatric Surgery Houston
What a great idea, that good news! New discovery
caught in the net.
A site dedicated to reading smaller projects and reading in schools. You'll find reviews, interviews, tips and ideas to stimulate future generations to read. They have established outposts of F uori L aw in schools which have their own space within the site, where there are also books by not read, why do not you have liked to public readers demanding !
Valeria Mancini , spritz literary doc, is the referent "adult" for the outpost MAGNALIBRI of Vicenza.

What a great idea, that good news! New discovery
caught in the net.
A site dedicated to reading smaller projects and reading in schools. You'll find reviews, interviews, tips and ideas to stimulate future generations to read. They have established outposts of F uori L aw in schools which have their own space within the site, where there are also books by not read, why do not you have liked to public readers demanding !
Valeria Mancini , spritz literary doc, is the referent "adult" for the outpost MAGNALIBRI of Vicenza.
Magnalibri Click on the link and logo to enter a world of little princes!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Reva Electric Car Blueprints
Bea Life!
ed. Laterza - € 9.50
's new book Bugaro Romulus, author of Padua, who has several books to his credit too many hands, such as "New Feelings" and "Girls in the Northeast."
latter is a pure cross-section of the Northeast, short sentences and dense considerations raw, real. This might be recognized with discomfort. Analysis of generational change, bourgeois identity, alienation, in which many find themselves. Lines written in first person, agile and sliding that wind between the identities of different social classes. Humor and irony are other elements that enrich the reading.
"There are millions of Italians to this country as it is exactly like"

ed. Laterza - € 9.50
's new book Bugaro Romulus, author of Padua, who has several books to his credit too many hands, such as "New Feelings" and "Girls in the Northeast."
latter is a pure cross-section of the Northeast, short sentences and dense considerations raw, real. This might be recognized with discomfort. Analysis of generational change, bourgeois identity, alienation, in which many find themselves. Lines written in first person, agile and sliding that wind between the identities of different social classes. Humor and irony are other elements that enrich the reading.
"There are millions of Italians to this country as it is exactly like"
(...) Bea life! I was transfixed by that phrase. Marked the immeasurable distance between myself and the more militant wing and given the service industry. About off at eight in the evening? The sluggish. The mediocre. Weaklings. The practitioner develops an entirely different smart firepower. (...)
Monday, May 3, 2010
What Colour Shirt To Wear With Light Grey Suit
Funny, interesting, stimulating talk with Mr. Luciano, bus driver for thirty years in Vicenza. To write "stop stories" that we could not talk to him.
Here's a bit 'of data collected:
- the 1995, women can make the driver;
- Vicenza there are foreign drivers, even the shade of color;
- drivers read, breaks in the terminus, especially the newspapers, some (few) books;
- the economic crisis has reduced the wages of new hires and increased the number of users;
- those over 75 travel free.
really happens in a city bus all dall'ubriaco that sways and lets go, falling into ruin on the floor, dead of a heart attack to take you into the garage at night because I thought he was sleeping. Pickpocketing and who does not give way to those who need it are phenomena down to luck.
not talk to the driver, but say hello when you enter.
" an exciting task" of Amneris
For all the people waiting at the bus stop, the yellow car that comes close is simply a means of transport for many reasons: to get downtown , stops at or near the school office or the shop where they work or are customers, is more frequently a parking lot and is much cheaper. For some it is even the first moment of relaxation, including a revival in chaotic family and the phone ring just to support the exchange desk. For someone might be the place of work, but in this case is not the driver nor the controller. There is Penelope, who is a thief.

Here's a bit 'of data collected:
- the 1995, women can make the driver;
- Vicenza there are foreign drivers, even the shade of color;
- drivers read, breaks in the terminus, especially the newspapers, some (few) books;
- the economic crisis has reduced the wages of new hires and increased the number of users;
- those over 75 travel free.
really happens in a city bus all dall'ubriaco that sways and lets go, falling into ruin on the floor, dead of a heart attack to take you into the garage at night because I thought he was sleeping. Pickpocketing and who does not give way to those who need it are phenomena down to luck.
not talk to the driver, but say hello when you enter.
" an exciting task" of Amneris
For all the people waiting at the bus stop, the yellow car that comes close is simply a means of transport for many reasons: to get downtown , stops at or near the school office or the shop where they work or are customers, is more frequently a parking lot and is much cheaper. For some it is even the first moment of relaxation, including a revival in chaotic family and the phone ring just to support the exchange desk. For someone might be the place of work, but in this case is not the driver nor the controller. There is Penelope, who is a thief.
How will it end? You will know soon
stop in front of the library in Castle Square Galla!
stop in front of the library in Castle Square Galla!
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