What's new blog to read in the Literary Spritz?
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ah, I have not told what happened at the meeting of the Town Company, for the Northeast Capital of Culture in 2019. Well, meanwhile in 2019 (thankfully) there is time, because you have to work hard in a place where culture struggles to Atech, where appearance matters more than substance, where books are sold by the meter as furnishings rather than as vehicles of independence or speaker of emotions and experience.
With Alberto Gallen was the Grafica Veneta , the first publisher in Italy and third in Europe (Harry Potter just to give a title), to hear talk of "the value of books." Speakers: Cesare De Michelis (President Marsilio Editori), Gian Arturo Ferrari (president of the Center for the Book and the promotion of reading), Stefano Salis (Sole 24 Ore) and John Christopher Meade (co-director dellInstitute for the Future of the Book). He spoke mainly about the uncertain future of books in print, because the digital format, as well as allowing you to interact with the text, it is cheaper. But no one has any idea how it will end, because when it comes to digital the turns unexpected, whether positive or negative, the market is unpredictable. The old lever in the sector are convinced that the paper will always win, of course not new.
Dr. Ferrari has provided data distressing that you list:
- 11 million new titles a year, in the world;
- 70 billion (€) the worldwide turnover;
- 3.3 billion (euro) turnover Italian;
- Italy 7 th World country for reading;
- 550 000 titles a year in Italy, of which only 250,000 sold.
- 35% channel Sales (librarian)
- 10% industrial cost (printing)
- 10% 20% author
- publisher
From these data, you realize that the digital format would eliminate many costs, such as 25% of unsold goods, 35% of the sales channel, etc..
The future of the book as we know it today, is uncertain.
Fahreneheit How many degrees will burn the digital format?
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