Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blade Trinity, What Kind Of Bow


Dear all,
ricordo che il corso di scrittura questo giovedì non ci sarà (come da programma), ci si vede giovedì 9 dicembre. Il programma completo lo trovato nella pagina EVENTI di questo blog. Per chi fosse venuto a conoscenza tardi del corso: ci si può iscrivere in qualsiasi momento, anche ad una sola lezione (seppur siano consigliate almeno due di seguito), basta venire il giovedì alle 18:15, cioè poco prima dell'inizio della lezione.

Laura Liberale (la docente in causa) riscuote un grandissimo successo tra gli scriventi in erba e non, sarà per il suo andare al sodo, per la sua capacità di rispondere, quando non previene addirittura le domande dei presenti, sarà per la parte teorica molto esaustiva e per la pratica molto efficace.... sarà, è Laura: brava e carismatica!
Ad majora

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Lion And The Horse Filefactory

no contest!

Large enterprise of the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno.

Parentopoli the Roman Alemanno and assumptions of wives and cubist

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Nikon Camera Adapter Sbig

48. BLACK AND WHITE [black and white]

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Online Shopping Customers In India

Maroni going to come with me instead of mom Aldrovandi

below what we would have heard about during the transmission of Raitre Fazio Santoro and ...

Aldridge's mother: "That's what I told you come with me"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why Does My Rabbit Run In Circles?

Ten thousand years in just a few kilometers

Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010
Near the great parks of Tanzania, between the Serengeti and Ngorongoro, and precisely in the Olduvai Gorge, was found the skeleton of the oldest hominid in the world. She was a woman and was called Lucy. A few miles from that site, a tribe, which is considered the most direct descendant of those hominids. This is the tribe of the Hadzabe.
The Hadzabe are Bushmen who live around the lake Eyasi, but the style of life of their primitive ancestors. Are hunters and gatherers. Do not breed any animals and not cultivating the land. They live only along the shores of the lake, moving from side to side whenever the area is too poor to meet their needs.
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010
hunt with bow and arrows, decorated with feathers. Hannno variety of tips for their weapons. The simplest is a reed arrow pointed: to teach kids to archery and small game. Then they pointed increasingly large, up to one for large animals, which, in addition to being large, is also poisoned with the juice of a plant.
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010

Their diet consists of any type of animal hunted, except snakes and hyenas. In their belief, snakes and hyenas are unclean animals, as they eat the bodies. For this reason, avoid hunting them and eating them.
Women, by contrast, provide food gathering berries and roots from the earth. Unfortunately, the area is absolutely full of vegetation. In August, during the dry season, plants are sparse and difficult issues.
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010

A big problem is to get the ' water. Eyasi The lake is a salt lake and during the dry season dries up almost completely. The water then is collected mainly during the rains or derived from plants. Often the water they drink is clean and this exposes the most vulnerable to the risk of many serious diseases. During our visit, in fact, the more welcome gift than we could bring them were bottles of mineral water, that the children had been drunk with greed.
Even their language is unique: their language, perhaps the oldest in the world, is made of clicks, whistles and clicks.
Hadzabe During the night's sleep on a skin in the bushes, next to a fire lit by rotating a stick in his hands, just like 10,000 years ago.
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010
Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010

If you need repairs, use of the caves, probably the same ones that have been used since prehistoric times. The number of Hadzabe
unfortunately is falling steadily, and today their population is about 1500 people. The land set aside for them around the lake is less and less and they are suffering from serious diseases, mainly due to their nutrition and clean water is not the raw meat.
meeting was for me a moment unique, an incredible opportunity to know a people, perhaps the last of the earth, who now lives as they lived 10,000 years ago.

Tanzania, Lake Eyasi, August 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quiero Fotos Hussyfan

47. PACE [peace]

Sarà che siamo verso la fine, ma sono stanca di 'parole' inutili, quindi vi lascio alle PAROLE e alle immagini che ho scelto per illustrarle. Per me questa è la PACE.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Info Mjakmiloscodcinki Pl

Happy Monday to those who have a cj and who is not! :)

Ci riproviamo?? E' cambiato qualcosa?? Su, scrivetemi as we please with cj .... even if nothing has changed ok? Thanks.
Since the last update I had the answers
- Eleanor who has the cj Urania, Irene, and Ale Aulore ;
- Bombamagagna who writes to me in an e-mail:
" I do not have my cj and Antonella should have which is the last of "my" ride, BUT DO NOT KNOW IF IT 'BACK TO ALL! stayed here and those who are not able to do
- mammamarilele and Eleanor: which I held the pages, lyllit: of which I have taken measures and subject;
BUT I Miss You '(from memory): fringe, urania, alescrap and Emanuela.
If you give me the "Guidelines" (MEASURES, TEMA, rules, etc. .., and if they are "Add") I can send if CJ does not go over here. "
- Ok, then Anto- I wrote saying that he expects his cj and Tobin ..... it should have for others? tell me how it goes?

1) Michy (AOSTA) Amiche http://palmiromiscrap scrapper. blogspot.com /
2) Erika (TORINO) The best days http://erites.blogspot.com/

3) Tobin - Chiara (Milan) Freedom http://tobina.blogspot.com/
4) AntoIo (SWITZERLAND) Cheats scrap http://antoiosoloio.blogspot.com/
5) Bombamagagna (Lecco) What makes me happy http://bombaeicicciottini.blogspot.com/
6) Sabrina (BERGAMO) http://schizziestrappi.blogspot.com/
7) Eleanor (BOLOGNA) http://le -Carthusian-at-work.blogspot.com /
8) Fringe (RIMINI) Tell me about yourself http://www.frangia76.blogspot.com/
9) Urania (SIENA) Scents / Colors
10) Alessandra (PERUGIA) Colors / Songs http://www.alescrap.blogspot.com/
11) Lyllit (ROMA) Perfumes http://caos-creativo.blogspot.com/
12) Emily (ROMA) I can not help but .. . http://appuntiscrap.blogspot.com/
13) Mammamarilele - Alessandra (ROMA) beautiful things http://mammamarilele.blogspot.com/
14) Melinda - Valentina (ROMA) Hand Made http://www.melindascrap.blogspot.com/
15) Irene (LATIN) Sweet salty o. ... http://scrapedaltro.wordpress.com/
16) Cria (Frosinone) The alphabet of emotions http://tuttiicoloridicria.blogspot.com/
17) Aulore - Luisa (Chieti) The journey of dreams http://aulorescrap . wordpress.com /
18) Ross (Campobasso) Once upon a time http://arcobalenodiross.blogspot.com/
19) Holly (NAPLES) Taste of Italy http://panscrap.blogspot.com/

Thanks to everyone who can help me out .... a hug


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Percentage Scale For Electronic Goods


Inverno appena iniziato. Voglia di tepore e di amicizia. Momento ideale per scrivere tranquilli in una stanza "tutta per noi". Pensieri che trovano un fulcro attorno al quale diventare idee concrete.
Tempo da investire per evolvere.

Eccoci: gli spritzati !
Sempre carichi e desiderosi di condividere la passione per la parola scritta.

Dalle nebbie umide e dense del Nord Est proponiamo:

- un' investigazione letteraria : scopri cosa contiene il baule di Fogazzaro ! (dettagli nella pagina dedicata)
A 100'anni dalla sua morte (7 marzo 1911) sarà aperto, come da lui richiesto, il baule che si trova presso la Biblioteca Bertoliana. Cosa avrà nascosto lo scrittore di tanto curioso da dover essere aperto solo 100'anni dopo? Scopritelo con noi, indagate nella sua vita privata, rileggete le sue opere, soprattutto le meno note e poi lasciate i vostri sospetti nel contenitore al Galla Caffè, che verrà aperto il giorno dopo il baule suddetto. Si rischia di vincere anche un weekend a Como, nei luoghi del Fogazzaro.

- Siamo riusciti ad organizzare un Laboratorio di Scrittura serio e ben strutturato, che partirà giovedì 18 novembre , e come docente: Laura Liberale .
To get into the game (and debate) with writing and, perhaps, turn the diary in the drawer for something more concrete, learning techniques to find their own expressive style.
(details in the EVENTS page )

- Do not lose your desire to play together ...

Sunday, November 14
at 17:30 Galla Coffee

here is likely something ... win a book or a useful gadget, you will be willing?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ovladac Asus Drw-20b1lt

OMAGGIO A PASOLINI, a 35 anni dalla scomparsa

We apologize to those who may have ACCRUING UNNECESSARILY EVENT OF YESTERDAY, but because of the flooding, has been postponed ad oggi: stesso posto, stessa ora.

A questo grande autore del Novecento, scomparso trentacinque anni fa (proprio il 2 novembre), lo Spritz Letterario ha deciso di rendere omaggio con l'inaugurazione di una mostra a lui dedicata dal maestro Mario Albanese , con dipinti e disegni tratti dalla raccolta " L'angolo più buio dell'orto " (di cui riportiamo qui un disegno a matita grassa su carta preparata). Interverrà il critico letterario Marco Cavalli con una panoramica, a tratti inedita, delle opere cinematografiche e letterarie di Pasolini.
Vi aspettiamo per cogliere qualcosa di nuovo ed approfondire ciò che è noto dell'autore tra i più controversi and desecrating the last century.

Tuesday, November 2 18:30

Galla Coffee - First Floor
Piazza Castello 2 / A (VI) free admission