Happy Monday to those who have a cj and who is not! :) Ci riproviamo?? E' cambiato qualcosa?? Su, scrivetemi as we please with cj .... even if nothing has changed ok? Thanks. Since the last update I had the answers - Eleanor who has the cj Urania, Irene, and Ale Aulore ; - Bombamagagna who writes to me in an e-mail: " I do not have my cj and Antonella should have which is the last of "my" ride, BUT DO NOT KNOW IF IT 'BACK TO ALL! stayed here and those who are not able to do - mammamarilele and Eleanor: which I held the pages, lyllit: of which I have taken measures and subject; BUT I Miss You '(from memory): fringe, urania, alescrap and Emanuela. If you give me the "Guidelines" (MEASURES, TEMA, rules, etc. .., and if they are "Add") I can send if CJ does not go over here. " - Ok, then Anto- I wrote saying that he expects his cj and Tobin ..... it should have for others? tell me how it goes?
1) Michy (AOSTA) Amiche
http://palmiromiscrap scrapper. blogspot.com / 2) Erika (TORINO) The best days http://erites.blogspot.com/
3) Tobin - Chiara (Milan) Freedom http://tobina.blogspot.com/
4) AntoIo (SWITZERLAND) Cheats scrap http://antoiosoloio.blogspot.com/
5) Bombamagagna (Lecco) What makes me happy http://bombaeicicciottini.blogspot.com/
6) Sabrina (BERGAMO) http://schizziestrappi.blogspot.com/
7) Eleanor (BOLOGNA) http://le -Carthusian-at-work.blogspot.com /
8) Fringe (RIMINI) Tell me about yourself http://www.frangia76.blogspot.com/
9) Urania (SIENA) Scents / Colors
10) Alessandra (PERUGIA) Colors / Songs http://www.alescrap.blogspot.com/
11) Lyllit (ROMA) Perfumes http://caos-creativo.blogspot.com/
12) Emily (ROMA) I can not help but .. . http://appuntiscrap.blogspot.com/
13) Mammamarilele - Alessandra (ROMA) beautiful things http://mammamarilele.blogspot.com/
14) Melinda - Valentina (ROMA) Hand Made http://www.melindascrap.blogspot.com/
15) Irene (LATIN) Sweet salty o. ... http://scrapedaltro.wordpress.com/
16) Cria (Frosinone) The alphabet of emotions http://tuttiicoloridicria.blogspot.com/
17) Aulore - Luisa (Chieti) The journey of dreams http://aulorescrap . wordpress.com /
18) Ross (Campobasso) Once upon a time http://arcobalenodiross.blogspot.com/
19) Holly (NAPLES) Taste of Italy http://panscrap.blogspot.com/
Thanks to everyone who can help me out .... a hug